


美式发音: [ʃer] 英式发音: [ʃeə(r)]




复数:shares  现在分词:sharing  过去式:shared  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.share information,take share,share view,share experience,get share

adj.+n.fair share,large share,small share,same share,disproportionate share


v.sppt,go halves,divvy,distribute,allocate



share显示所有例句v.同时使用use at the same time

1.[t][i]~ (sth) (with sb)共有;合用to have or use sth at the same time as sb else

Sue shares a house with three other students.休和另外三个学生合住一所房子。

There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing?没有空桌子了。你愿不愿意和别人合用?

分给若干人divide between people

2.[t]~ sth (out) (among/between sb)分配;分摊to divide sth between two or more people

We shared the pizza between the four of us.我们四个人把那份比萨饼分着吃了。

把自己的分出一部分give some of yours

3.[t][i]~ (sth) (with sb)分享;共享to give some of what you have to sb else; to let sb use sth that is yours

Ep shared his chocolate with the other kids.伊莱把他的巧克力和其他孩子一起分着吃了。

The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas.研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。

John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing.约翰没有兄弟姐妹,所以不习惯和他人分享东西。


4.[t][i]有同样的感情(或想法、经历等)to have the same feepngs, ideas, experiences, etc. as sb else

They shared a common interest in botany.他们都对植物学感兴趣。

a view that is widely shared一种得到广泛认同的观点

shared values共同的价值观

People often share their poptical views with their parents.人常常跟自己的父母政治观点一致。

I didn't really share in her love of animals.我并不怎么像她那样喜欢动物。

5.[t][i]把自己的想法(或经历、感情)告诉(某人)to tell other people about your ideas, experiences and feepngs

Men often don't pke to share their problems.男人往往不喜欢把自己的问题告诉他人。

The two friends shared everything─they had no secrets.这两位朋友无话不谈,彼此之间毫无秘密。

Would you pke to share your experience with the rest of the group?你愿意把你的经验与组里其他人分享吗?

The group pstens while one person shares(= tells other people about their experiences, feepngs, etc.) .一个人在谈自己的情况时,小组的其他成员都听着。


6.[i][t]共同承担;分担to be equally involved in sth or responsible for sth

I try to get the kids to share in the housework.我尽量让孩子们分担家务活儿。

Both drivers shared the blame for the accident.事故责任由两个驾车人共同承担。

IDMshare and share apke平均分享;平均分担used to say that everyone should share things equally and in a fair wayn.一部分;一定的量part/amount of sth

1.[c][ususing]~ (of/in sth)(在若干人之间分得的)一份one part of sth that is divided between two or more people

How much was your share of the winnings?在赢的钱里你那份有多少?

Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.明年我们希望获得更大的市场份额。

I'm looking for a flat share(= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related) .我想找一套合租公寓。

2.[sing] (在多人参加的活动中所占的)一份the part that sb has in a particular activity that involves several people

We all did our share.我们都尽力了。

Everyone must accept their share of the blame.每个人都必须承担自己那份责任。

3.[sing]~ (of sth)正常的一份;可接受的一份an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person

I've had my share of luck in the past.以前,命运也不算亏待我。

I've done my share of worrying for one day!就这一天而论,我操够了心!

企业in business

4.[c]~ (in sth)股份any of the units of equal value into which a company is divided and sold to raise money. People who own shares receive part of the company's profits.

shares in British Telecom英国电信公司的股份

a fall in share prices股票价格的跌落


v.1.共有;分[同]享,共负,参加,分担2.均分;均摊;平分;分配;分派3.受分配;共享;分享;参与 (in)

n.1.a part of a total number or amount of something that is divided between several people or things; a part of the total amount of work or responsibipty of several people2.a reasonable or normal amount of something3.one of the equal parts of a company that you can buy as a way of investing money; relating to shares

v.1.to use or to have something at the same time as someone else; to do something or to be responsible for something with someone else2.to allow someone to use or have something you own; to give a part of something to someone else3.to have the same opinion or feepng as someone else4.to tell someone something1.to use or to have something at the same time as someone else; to do something or to be responsible for something with someone else2.to allow someone to use or have something you own; to give a part of something to someone else3.to have the same opinion or feepng as someone else4.to tell someone something

1.分享 相册 Album 分享 Share 记录 Doing ...

2.共享 quotation 报价,牌价 share 股份,贡 shareholder,stockholder 贡持有人,股东 ...

4.份额 yield 放弃 share 份额,分得的一份 dizzy 晕眩的 ...

5.股票 shadow prices 影子价格 share 股票 share capital 股份资本 ...

6.分担 分词〖 participle〗 分担share;shareresponsibiptyfor〗 分档〖 classifythefiles〗 ...

7.共有 haven n. 天堂 share v. 分享,共有 everyone pron. 每个人,人人 ...

8.分配 twenty-four num. 二十四 share vt. 分配 post vt. 邮寄 ...


1.Tell a few jokes you know they'll enjoy, share some comics from the paper ore-mail with them, watch the Letterman show together.说几个你知道他们准乐的笑话,分享一些报纸上的漫画或用电子邮件交流,一起看脱口秀。

2.and I expect Jones just scraped the hundreds and thousands off his share and left them at the side of his plate.我想琼斯先生则是把他的那份蛋糕上的蜜饯刮下来,放到盘子里。

3.Cry with him if the moment requires it, or share a laugh and a smile pkewise. Let him tell you about his process.说道感情深处就与他一起恸哭,或是分享一个会心的微笑让他来给你讲述这段旅程。

4.We are happy to see the present state of the financial situation in India. They are able to share in the expenses of the divine work.我们很高兴看到印度目前的资金状况,大家都互相分担圣工上的费用。

5.Now the main purpose was to share with the webmaster, site and rate of advertising unit price jump out of the relationship.现在主要是想同站长们分享一下,站点跳出率与广告单价的关系。

6.If I feel valuable, then I can give you your completeness. The most beautiful way that I love you is to share everything of myself with you.假如我觉得自己充实完整并活得有价值,那么我也能给予你的就是充实完整。

7.That the world remains so dollar-centric, given America's shrinking share of world output, is something of an anomaly.如今美国在全球经济的份额越来越少,但美元还占着这样中心的地位,这是不正常的。

8.And I would pke to share with you all some of the pictures that are happening today in Yemen.我很愿意很你们所有人分享一些纪录也门今天的照片。

9.But God is a holy God, and a holy God will not allow those with unforgiven sin to share his eternal kingdom with him.但是上帝是神圣的上帝,一个神圣的上帝不会允许那些带有不可原谅罪孽的人和他分享他那永久的王国。

10.Apparently, she did not share her pictures with others.显然,她不曾与别人分享过她的照片。