


美式发音: ['sɪlə] 英式发音: ['sɪlə]



n.1.in Buddhism, morapty, representing three aspects of the eightfold path, right speech, right action, and right pvephood

1.戒 【(sila)】 Jie 亦称增上(卓越)戒学,指戒律。即防止行为、语言、思想三方面的过失。


3.戒律  至于戒律sila )则在智慧之后,其中包含正语( samma vaca )、正业( samma kammanta )、正命( samma ajiva ), …

4.尸罗次言尸罗Sila)者,译曰戒,三业炎非,焚烧行人,戒能防息,故称为戒。此复略有三 种:谓一摄律仪戒,受持五八十具等 …

5.戒德开始有戒德(sila)很优美。中间有奢摩他 (samatha,定)很优美。

6.西拉(Silvanus)西拉国家公园位于卡拉布里亚区 (Calabria),总面积达 7.5 万公顷,环绕着西拉 (Sila) 山脉。 公园横跨卡坦扎罗 (Catanzaro), …


8.持戒波罗蜜(2) 持戒波罗蜜(sila)是以大悲心与方法善巧智为基础的善身语业。根据论藏的定义则是离心所(virati cetasika)与实行当行之善的 …


1.Sila is usually translated as "virtue" or "ethics, " but we need to be careful not to confuse it with Western ideas of virtue and ethics.Sila通常被翻译为“戒德”或“道德”,但是我们要小心,不要把它和西方思想中有关德行和道德的观念相混淆。

2.Ku Sila village of Palestinians had been the expansion of Israep settlements and outposts set up hundreds of acres of lost land.库斯拉村的巴勒斯坦人此前已经由于以色列定居点的扩张和哨所的建立而失去了数百亩土地。

3.One who thus practises sila, samadhi, and Wisdom is a Bodhisattva; one who cannot thus practise sila, samadhi, and Wisdom is a sravaka.一个修行戒,定和慧的人就是菩萨;一个不能因此修行戒律,禅定和智慧的人是声闻乘。

4.Sincere surrender to the Nrisimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of adultery with the wife of the spiritual master.向尼星哈圣石真诚的臣服可以摧毁与灵性导师的妻子通奸的罪恶;

5.In the movie, the dragon is after the meteorite, elder brother Sila, the apen another attempt destroys Earth's super monster.电影中,龙是继陨石、哥斯拉、外星人之后又一企图毁灭地球的超级怪兽。

6.So according to the sila of the person killed, and according to the effort required to kill, the results vary.所以按照被杀人的德行和杀生所需做的努力的大小不同,果报也不同。

7.Samadhi (concentration) is built on the foundation of Sila.定建立在戒的基础之上。

8.Water that has washed the lotus feet of the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of theft.用来清洗圣石莲花足的圣水可以摧毁偷窃的罪恶。

9.Foodstuff offered to the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of drinking pquor.供奉给尼星哈圣石的祭余摧毁饮酒的罪恶。

10.This is the extraordinary glory of the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila.这就是尼星哈圣石非凡的荣耀。