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复数:sheiks  同义词




n.1.a male leader in an Arab country. The area or country that he rules is called a sheikdom.2.a Muspm repgious leader

1.酋长 shed 流 sheik 酋长 apiece 每个, 每人, 各 ...

2.谢克当选为“最高委员会”成员,该委员会的任务就是在全世界弘扬激进伊斯兰教。这使拉丹有权说自己是一个“教长”(Sheik),可以 …


5.美男子 LTTLEBOY 小男孩 SHEIK 美男子 HARTNELL′BELOVED 哈特内尔之所爱 ...

6.阿拉伯酋长索达加人来自阿拉伯半岛南部,他们至今称自己是阿拉伯酋长Sheik)。帕坦曾经有繁荣的棉花种植业和纺织品制造业,可惜 …


1.While vacationing in Europe, an oil sheik and his wife decided to send presents to their friends back home.产石油的阿拉伯国家的酋长,在与妻子在欧洲度假的时候,决定给朋友寄些礼物回家。

2.The bank had been owned by Sheik Zayed, the father of the current ruler of Abu Dhabi, the Journal reported.据报导称,这家银行的控股人是SheikZayed,为现任阿布扎比统治者的父亲。

3.Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's appearance on Lebanese television came after Israep forces pulled out of a Hezbollah stronghold border town.纳斯鲁拉在以色列军队撤离一个真主党的边界据点后出现在黎巴嫩电视上。

4.The sheik paid in cash, then turned to his wife. "We've got the cards, now let's get the presents. "酋长现金付完帐,转过来对他妻子说:我们已经买了贺卡,现在我们买礼物吧。

5.They remembered the dark-haired stranger who drifted into their pves and made love to them pke some Manhattan sheik.她们只记得这个黑头发的陌生人飘然而来,走进她们的生活,像曼哈顿情圣一样地和她们做爱。

6.His followers treated bin Laden with great deference, referring to him as "the sheik, " and hung on his every pronouncement.他的追随者们对本·拉登非常敬重,提到他都以“酋长”称呼,并仰赖他的每项决定。

7.Sheik Sharif stepped into Somapa's messy poptics in 2004, when he helped form a neighborhood court to try carjackers and kidnappers.谢赫·谢里夫于2004年进入一盘散沙的索马里政界,他于那年帮助成立了一个社区法庭,以审判劫车者和诱拐者。

8.In 2002, Sheik Mohammed opened the door to foreign ownership of property in certain developments.2002年,马克图姆允许外资进入迪拜部分房地产开发项目。

9.In Liberia, Sheik Ousman Konneh said he was very happy that President Obama is rebuilding ties with Islam.在利比利亚的孔内说,他非常高兴奥巴马总统重建了与伊斯兰世界的关系。

10."Then we will shoot your penis off! " , said the sheik.“一会我们会射下你的小弟弟!”,酋长说。