


美式发音: [ʃelv] 英式发音: [ʃelv]



第三人称单数:shelves  现在分词:shelving  过去式:shelved  同义词

v.put on hold,defer,abandon,cancel,drop



1.[t]~ sth搁置,停止(计划)to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently

The government has shelved the idea until at least next year.政府决定把这个想法先放一放,至少推迟到明年再说。

2.[t]~ sth把…放在架子(或搁板)上to put books, etc. on a shelf

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)倾斜;成斜坡to slope downwards

The beach shelved gently down to the water.海滩缓缓地向下没入水中。


v.1.to decide not to use something such as a plan or suggestion now, although you may use it later

1.搁置 15、 通“茖”。茖葱。山葱[ scalpon;onion] 1、 阻止;搁置[ hinder;shelve] 3、 纠正,匡正[ correct] ...

2.束之高阁 ... 束腰〖 girdlethewaist〗 束之高阁shelve;layasideandneglect;putsth.awayunheeded〗 束装〖 getone'sthingsre…

3.解雇 shed vt. 发散;摆脱;下跌 n.分水岭;货棚 shelve vt. 缓议,搁置,解雇 shoddy a. 翻制的,假冒的;虚有其表的,卑劣的 n. …

4.不予考虑 electorate: 选民 shelve: 搁置,不予考虑 Caesarean section: 剖腹产 ...

5.按下搁置 ... 4. scrap vt. 废弃,丢弃; 取消; 抛弃; 报废 5. shelve v. 将…搁在一边 6. underscore vt. 划线于…下,强调 ...


1.At the moment anybody in a regular job who has an idea for a new company has a very strong incentive to shelve his idea and stay put.这样任何有想法要建立新公司的人,如果他有份正式的工作,他一定会搁置想法,原地不动。

2.Shelve your pending changes when you are not ready to or cannot check in a set of pending changes.在您未准备好或者无法签入一组挂起的更改时,可以搁置挂起的更改。

3.And she will have to shelve any presidential aspirations of her own that she may still harbour.而且她将不得不搁置可能仍存在于心中的、当总统的愿望。

4.But when they moved to Chicago so he could take a job on the Sun-Times, his managing editor ordered her to shelve her ambitions.但当他们为了她丈夫到《芝加哥太阳报(Sun-Times)》工作而搬到芝加哥时,她丈夫的执行总编命令她收敛自己的野心。

5.We may shelve the difficulties for a while, but they cannot be put by indefinitely.我们可以暂时不考虑这些困难,但要永远回避是不可能的。

6.Career issues or practical problems sometimes require you to shelve certain aspects of your private or romantic pfe for a short while.职业问题或者现实中的问题有时需要你暂时搁置下你的私人或者感情生活。

7.Already, economists say Russia will have to shelve its plan for a large sovereign-wealth fund that will invest in foreign companies.经济学家说,俄罗斯已经不得不搁置组建一家大型主权财富基金投资海外公司的计划。

8.Defer, postpone, shelve, stay, suspend The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to put off until a later time"这些动词共有的主要的意思是“延迟直至稍晚一点儿的时间”

9.It is still possible that new developments could lead Google to shift tack or shelve plans for the storage offering in the coming months.未来几个月中,谷歌仍可能会根据新的进展来调整或搁置这项存储服务计划。

10.In a similar manner, they shelve the TRUTH about electricity for the same reason.以近似的方式,他们为同一个原因控制着关于电性的真相。