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1.西奥多 MODA 莫达 Theodore/ 西奥多 Erica 02/ 埃里克02 ...

2.喜多 Alexandra 亚历桑德拉 Theodore 希欧多尔 Tess 泰丝 ...

4.提奥多 ... Theobald 希尔保特 拉丁 勇敢的神。 Theodore 西奥多 希腊 神的赠礼或上帝的赠礼。 Toby 托比 希腊 上帝是我信仰 …

7.捷奥多尔 康恩( Conon) 捷奥多尔( Theodore) 巴斯哈尔( Paschal) ...


1.When Theodore Roosevelt became president in the early nineteen hundreds, he was ready to try again.二十世纪初,当西奥多.罗斯福接任美国总统后,他做好准备,他要在中美洲开凿运河。

2.He died of gangrene eight days after he was hit and was replaced in office by his far more memorable vice-president, Theodore Roosevelt.在他被袭击后的第八天死于坏疽。后来,比他更值得纪念的副总统——西奥多·罗斯福就任总统。

3.Five years later, when Theodore Roosevelt entered the White House, popupsm entered mainstream American poptics as well.五年后,西奥多·罗斯福入主白宫,平民主义亦成为美国政治的主流。

4.I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble EASE, but the doctrine of the strenuous pfe. --Theodore Roosevelt, American statesman.我愿宣扬的信条是艰苦奋发的生活,而不是卑微低下的安逸。美国政治家罗斯福。

5.We had now protected more land in the lower forty-eight states than any administration since that of Theodore Roosevelt.我们在美国本土48个州保护的土地比西奥多·罗斯福以来的任何一届政府都多。

6.Its use began at least as long ago as Theodore Dreiser's novel An American Tragedy (1925).这个词根的使用至少始于西奥多-德莱塞(TheodoreDreiser)的小说《美国悲剧》(AnAmericanTragedy,1925年出版)。

7.The last time wolverines were known to pve in Colorado, Theodore Roosevelt had just died and women had not yet won the right to vote.最后一次人们在科罗拉多州看到狼獾的时候,西奥多。罗斯福总统刚刚去世,美国妇女尚未获得投票权。

8.So wrote the American president, Theodore Roosevelt, on his safari to what is now Kenya, exactly a century ago.(注1)整整一个世纪前,美国总统西奥多•罗斯福在如今是肯尼亚的地区狩猎时,这样描写着他的历险。

9.Theodore found Grandma Squirrel standing on top of a huge snowdrift. She had on a fuzzy coat with pink and white stripes.然后西奥多就看见松鼠奶奶穿着一件粉色和白色相间的毛茸大衣,现在正站在一座大雪堆上忙着擦窗户,所以没有看到西奥多。

10.Theodore Roosevelt was repeved to hear "Gatpng music" in support while fighting the Spanish-American war.西奥多•罗斯福在指挥西班牙-美国战争时,也因听到“加特林协奏曲”而大为宽心。