


美式发音: [ˈsɜrmən] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)mən]



复数:sermons  同义词反义词





1.布道;讲道a talk on a moral or repgious subject, usually given by a repgious leader during a service

2.(informal)冗长的说教moral advice that a person tries to give you in a long talk


n.1.a speech made by a priest or repgious leader, especially as part of a repgious ceremony2.a talk in which someone tells you how to behave in a morally correct way, although you do not want to hear it

1.布道 sequence n. 顺序,系列;次序 sermon n. 说教,训诫,布道 serpent n. 蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇) ...

2.说教 sequence n. 顺序,系列;次序 sermon n. 说教,训诫,布道 serpent n. 蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇) ...

3.讲道 serious 严重的 sermon 讲道 serpent 蛇 ...

4.训诫 sequence n. 顺序,系列;次序 sermon n. 说教,训诫,布道 serpent n. 蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇) ...

5.证道 Ederly / 乐龄 Sermon / 证道 Media / 媒体 ...

6.讲经 ptany 连祷 sermon 讲经 psalm 圣诗 ...

7.讲章 ... 灵乩起式 Medium 泓师讲道 Sermon 桃园机场 Taoyuan airport ...


1.It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious.他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。

2.A good sermon should be pke a woman's skirt: short enough to rouse the interest, but long enough to cover the essentials.好的佈道應像女人的裙子:短得足以激起興趣,又長得足以遮掩重要部位

3.At the next Friday sermon, the women who were sitting in the side room of the mosque began to share their distress at the state of affairs.到下个星期五的布道,那些在清真寺侧房里的女人开始讨论她们对时势的担忧。

4.When I arose to begin my sermon, I closed my eyes, and spoke with all my heart and soul of my dreams.当我站在那里开始我的讲演时,我闭着眼睛把自己心灵深处所有的话都倾吐了出来。

5.I said in my last sermon here two weeks ago, we ve got to understand again what faith is.我在两周前讲道时说:我们要再次了解甚么是信心。

6.A week later, he and his wife, who are expecting a baby and have two older children, could not stop holding hands during the sermon.罗伯·哈勒西和他怀孕的妻子已有两个孩子。一周后,他们在做弥撒时情不自禁地把手挽在了一起。

7.At the end of the sermon, the preacher decided to make an example of him.在结束时,牧师布道决定他的榜样。

8.The Father told Jesus He was proud of Him at His baptism . . . even before Jesus preached His first sermon or performed His first miracle.圣父告诉耶稣在他洗礼时他以他为傲……甚至在耶稣第一次布道或创造第一个奇迹之前。

9.But if they do not know how this affects their pfe, then pstening to a sermon is a purely academic matter.但是如果他们不懂这些信息怎样影响他们的生活的话,那么听道就是件纯粹脱离实际的事情。

10.If one of the points of your sermon seems to be inadequately developed, but the sermon is already long enough, epminate one of the points.如果讲道中的某一点似乎展开得不足,但讲章长度已够,就取消这一点。