



美式发音: [ʃelv] 英式发音: [ʃelv]



第三人称单数:shelves  现在分词:shelving  过去式:shelved  同义词

v.put on hold,defer,abandon,cancel,drop



v.1.to decide not to use something such as a plan or suggestion now, although you may use it later

1.束之高阁 toy with 玩弄 shelved 搁置 ebb 衰退,退潮 ...

3.废置不用 shelty 雪特兰种小马 shelved 废置不用 shemite 闪族 ...


1.All thats left are the cans being packaged into to boxes and shelved in our warehouse ready to be ordered.所有的多数民众赞成在左边的是罐被包装成盒和搁置对我们的仓库随时可命令。

2.In view of other more pressing issues in hand, members agreed that the matter be shelved for the time being.基于有其他更迫切的事项需要处理,本局成员同意暂缓讨论此项议题。

3.So I shelved an American project that I had been working on, and decided to make a film in Thailand about this issue of extinction.所以我搁置了一个正在做的美国项目,打算做一个关于泰国种族灭绝问题的电影。

4.Plague with a pe, how shall i do? shelved moths into a flame, or do not care about that? I do not know, maybe the same.被一个谎言困绕,飞蛾扑火还是束之高阁,我不知道,或者,都一样。

5.Soon after, Chinese officials predicted that negotiations intended to pressure the North to disarm would be "shelved for a few months. "之后不久,中国官员预言,旨在向北朝鲜施压的六方会谈会“因此搁置个把月”。

6.Planned share pstings have had to be shelved, but the most worrying signals have come from the debt market.一些拟议中的股票上市计划不得不暂时搁置,但最令人担忧的信号来自于债券市场。

7.'My God, I said, this would make a great phone. . . so we shelved the tablet and built the iPhone. '他当时说,这个东西做成手机肯定棒极了,因而搁置了平板电脑,转而研制了iPhone。

8.Plans for an overnight outing have to be shelved, it transpires, because the family hostel the group usually uses has no heating.在外过夜的郊游计划不得不搁置,据说是因为他们通常住宿的家庭旅馆没有取暖设施。

9.And yet this year, with a black man actually running for President, the old recipe has been shelved.然而,到了今年,真的有一位黑人来竞选总统了,这些老招术却无人提及。

10.They shelved the pork-packer's son and the banker's son, and sat down to consider the Governor's son and the son of the Congressman.他们把猪肉批发商的儿子和银行老板的儿子束之高阁,然后坐下来考虑州长和众议员的公子了。