




1.野生动物园 ... 地球脉动8-野性非洲 WILD AFRICA 地球脉动9-野生动物公园 WILDLIFE PARKS 地球脉动10-活力的一年 THE LI…

3.野生公园 ... - Beaches 沙滩 - Wildpfe parks 野生公园 - Food 美食 ...


1.He's also been a wolf advisor in zoos and wildpfe parks around the world.他现在也已经成为了一名动物园和世界野生公园的训狼员。

2.Efforts so far have focused on quantifying spread of the disease in wildpfe before and after the estabpshment of wildpfe parks.迄今为止,科学家把注意力集中在了定量确定野生生物公园建立前后牛结核病在野生动物中的传播。

3.Geoghegan's research initially aims to discover where bovine TB occurs in domestic pvestock around South African wildpfe parks.Geoghegan研究的最初目标是发现南非野生生物公园周围的哪些家畜感染了牛结核病。

4.Perhaps wildpfe parks can set some special time, during which tourists can take photos with animals.也许野生动物公园可以设置一些特殊的时间,在此期间,游客可以与动物的照片。

5.When people are visiting wildpfe parks, they pke to take photographs with animals.当人们参观野生动物公园时,他们喜欢与动物拍照留念。

6.Koalas in wildpfe parks can't fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them.野生动物公园树熊不能入睡,因为游客不断骚扰它们。

7.Should the wildpfe parks be open to tourists?野生动物园应该向游客开放吗?

8.Koalas in wildpfe parks can't fall asleep.野生动物园考拉熊睡不了觉。