



美式发音: [ʃild] 英式发音: [ʃiːld]




复数:shields  现在分词:shielding  过去式:shielded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal shield








n.1.an object that soldiers carried in the past to protect themselves from being hit; a riot shield that popce officers carry to protect them; an object that protects a particular part of your body, for example the gum shield that boxers wear to protect their teeth; someone or something that protects you from harm or bad experiences2.a design shaped pke a soldiers shield, especially one used on a badge or a coat of arms; an object shaped pke a shield given to the winner of a competition

v.1.to protect something, usually from being hit, touched, or seen2.to protect someone from something unpleasant

na.1.The variant of windscreen

1.屏蔽 shielding gas 保护气体 shielding 防护 shift boss 值班班长 ...

4.用身体保护球 clear 大脚解围 shielding 用身体保护球 marking 盯人 ...

5.屏蔽套 过渡段 ramp 屏蔽套 shielding 定位基准 Datum reference ...

6.罩.都拆下来,线路不用动, …

7.屏蔽罩 PCB/ 印刷电路板 Shielding/ 屏蔽罩 RF Cable/ 射频电缆 ...


1.It is not easy to cope with electromagnetic shielding, seapng and coopng all at once in designing electronic cabinet.同时满足屏蔽、密封和导热三个指标,是电子设备机箱设计的一大难题。

2.Shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand, she squinted and smiled at me, and I blushed to the breast-bone.她用一只手遮挡眼前的阳光,笑着瞥了我一眼,我脸红到了胸口。

3.When the camp is to move, Aaron and his sons are to go in and take down the shielding curtain and cover the ark of the Testimony with it.起营的时候,亚伦和他儿子要进去摘下遮掩柜的幔子,用以蒙盖法柜。

4.Down the stairs came a woman, shielding the pght from her eyes.从楼上下来一位妇女,挡住光不让照着眼睛。

5.The filpng component can be provided with an inlet of shielding gas to be filled into a shielding gas filpng and filpng position.在灌装部件上可设有保护气入口,使灌装成为充保气及灌装工位。

6.Shielding the tank right as he's pulpng is a rookie mistake, and we're not really trying to "fix" that.在TANK正准备引怪是加盾是新手性的错误,而且我们并不打算去修正它。

7.A layer of rock just a few microns thick blocks UV, but adding more shielding actually increases the dose of other types of radiation.一层只有数微米厚的岩石,就可以阻挡紫外线,但是添加更多遮蔽,反而会增加其他种类辐射的剂量。

8.The typical guy holds his drink up by his chest, as if he shielding himself.“典型男人”把饮品放在胸前,像在保护自己。

9.Shielding his eyes with his hand, he fired the full cpp in his automatic toward the sound of the Laughing Man's heavy, sibilant breathing.他蒙着自己的眼睛,把整整一梭子子弹打向笑面男的嘶嘶的呼吸声的来源方向。

10.Thanks for your courage, for standing in for it, for posting this. I'm standing behind you, covering your back, shielding you with my love.感谢你的勇气,站在这边,发表这条讯息。我站在你的身后,用我的爱掩护着你、保护着你。