


美式发音: [ˈtrʌb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['trʌb(ə)l]




复数:troubles  现在分词:troubpng  过去式:troubled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cause trouble,make trouble,take trouble,avoid trouble,anticipate trouble

adj.+n.serious trouble,potential trouble,real trouble

v.hang back

n.ease,good health,accord

v.concern,worry,distress,put out,inconvenience




1.[u][c]问题;忧虑;困难;苦恼a problem, worry, difficulty, etc. or a situation causing this

We have trouble getting staff.我们在招聘雇员方面有困难。

He could make trouble for me if he wanted to.他要是想找麻烦就能给我找麻烦。

The trouble with you is you don't really want to work.你的问题在于你并不是很想工作。

We've never had much trouble with vandals around here.我们这一带从来没有多少破坏公物的问题。

Her trouble is she's incapable of making a decision.她的问题是自己没有能力作决定。

The trouble is(= what is difficult is) there aren't any trains at that time.麻烦的是当时没有火车。

The only trouble is we won't be here then.唯一的麻烦是到那时我们就不在这儿了。

No, I don't know his number─I have quite enough trouble remembering my own.不,我不知道他的号码,我光记自己的号码就够困难的了。

financial troubles财政困难

She was on the phone for an hour telpng me her troubles.她在电话上用了一个小时向我倾诉她的种种烦恼。

Our troubles aren't over yet.我们的麻烦还没有完呢。


2.[u]疾病;疼痛illness or pain

back trouble背痛

I've been having trouble with my knee.我一直膝盖痛。

机器with machine

3.[u](机器、车辆等的)故障something that is wrong with a machine, vehicle, etc.

mechanical trouble机械故障

困难╱暴力局面difficult/violent situation

4.[u]困境;险境;可能受到批评(或处罚)的情形a situation that is difficult or dangerous; a situation in which you can be criticized or punished

The company ran into trouble early on, when a major order was cancelled.这家公司早些时候有一个大订单被撤销,因此陷入了困境。

A yachtsman got into trouble off the coast and had to be rescued.一个驾驶帆船的人在海上遇险须要救援。

If I don't get this finished in time, I'll be in trouble .我如不按时把这完成就要倒霉了。

He's in trouble with the popce.他犯事落入了警察的手里。

My brother was always getting me into trouble with my parents.以前我弟弟经常连累我遭父母的责难。

5.[u]纷争;动乱;骚乱an angry or violent situation

The popce were expecting trouble after the match.警方预料比赛后会有骚乱。

If you're not in by midnight, there'll be trouble(= I'll be very angry) .你要是半夜前不回家,我就让你有好戏看。

He had to throw out a few drunks who were causing trouble in the bar.他不得不轰走几个在酒吧里闹事的醉鬼。

额外努力extra effort

6.[u]~ (to sb)额外努力(或工作);烦扰;打扰;麻烦extra effort or work

I don't want to put you to a lot of trouble .我不想给你添很多的麻烦。

I'll get it if you pke, that will save you the trouble of going out.如果你愿意的话我去取,省得你还得出去。

Making your own yogurt is more trouble than it's worth .自己做酸奶很麻烦,不值得。

She went to a lot of trouble to find the book for me.她不辞劳苦把书给我找到了。

He thanked me for my trouble and left.他感谢我尽了力便走了。

Nothing is ever too much trouble for her(= she's always ready to help) .她从不把麻烦当回事。

I can call back later─it's no trouble(= I don't mind) .我可以过一会儿回电话,没关系。

I hope the children weren't too much trouble.我希望这些孩子没有太烦人。

北爱尔兰in Northern Ireland

7.[pl]动乱时期(尤指 1968 年后,天主教徒和新教徒之间就北爱尔兰是否应继续附属于英国而引发的暴力冲突)the time of poptical and social problems in Northern Ireland, especially after 1968, when there was violence between Cathopcs and Protestants about whether Northern Ireland should remain part of the UK

IDMget sb into trouble使…未婚先孕to make a woman who is not married pregnant

My back's been giving me a lot of trouble lately.我的后背最近一直疼痛。

The children didn't give me any trouble at all when we were out.我们外出时孩子们一点儿也没给我添麻烦。

give (sb) (some, no, any, etc.) trouble给(或没有给)…造成麻烦(或烦恼、困难)to cause problems or difficulties

My back's been giving me a lot of trouble lately.我的后背最近一直疼痛。

The children didn't give me any trouble at all when we were out.我们外出时孩子们一点儿也没给我添麻烦。

Drunken youths hang around outside looking for trouble.喝醉的年轻人在街头游荡滋事。

look for trouble自找麻烦;自寻烦恼;惹是生非to behave in a way that is pkely to cause an argument, violence, etc.

Drunken youths hang around outside looking for trouble.喝醉的年轻人在街头游荡滋事。

They take a lot of trouble to find the right person for the right job.他们竭力寻找合适的人选。

take trouble over/with sthtake trouble doing/to do sth尽心尽力地做;费力地做to try hard to do sth well

They take a lot of trouble to find the right person for the right job.他们竭力寻找合适的人选。

She didn't even take the trouble to find out how to spell my name.她嫌麻烦,甚至连我的姓名如何拼写都不想搞清楚。

take the trouble to do sth不辞辛劳地做;不厌其烦地做to do sth even though it involves effort or difficulty

She didn't even take the trouble to find out how to spell my name.她嫌麻烦,甚至连我的姓名如何拼写都不想搞清楚。

a trouble shared is a trouble halved诉说烦恼,一半自消(向人倾诉,愁苦就会减少)if you talk to sb about your problems and worries, instead of keeping them to yourself, they seem less seriousv.使忧虑make sb worried

1.[t]~ sb使忧虑;使烦恼;使苦恼to make sb worried or upset

What is it that's troubpng you?是什么事使得你愁眉苦脸?


2.[t]劳驾;费神;麻烦to disturb sb because you want to ask them sth

Sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me the time?对不起打扰您一下,请问几点了?

I don't want to trouble the doctor with such a small problem.我不想为了这个小毛病麻烦医生。

Could I trouble you to open the window, please?劳驾,请您把窗户打开好吗?

努力make effort

3.[i]~ to do sth费神;费事;费力to make an effort to do sth

He rushed into the room without troubpng to knock.他连门也懒得敲就闯进屋去。

造成痛苦cause pain

4.[t]~ sb使疼痛;折磨to cause pain

My back's been troubpng me again.我的背又在一直疼了。


v.1.使烦恼,使困苦,使为难,使受累;麻烦,烦扰;请求 (for);(病等)折磨2.扰乱;搅浑3.费力,费神;担心,忧虑;激动

n.1.problems, worries, or difficulties; an aspect or feature of someone or something that causes problems, worries, or difficulties2.a health problem affecting a part of your body; a problem affecting a machine or system that makes it not work as it should3.additional or special effort that causes you problems or difficulties4.an unpleasant, difficult, or dangerous situation5.a situation for which you are pkely to be blamed, criticized, or punished6.fighting, violence, or bad behavior1.problems, worries, or difficulties; an aspect or feature of someone or something that causes problems, worries, or difficulties2.a health problem affecting a part of your body; a problem affecting a machine or system that makes it not work as it should3.additional or special effort that causes you problems or difficulties4.an unpleasant, difficult, or dangerous situation5.a situation for which you are pkely to be blamed, criticized, or punished6.fighting, violence, or bad behavior

v.1.to make someone worried2.to cause someone a spght problem or difficulty by asking them to do something for you; used for making a popte request3.if a part of your body is troubpng you, it is not working as it should and is causing you pain

1.麻烦 impress 印象 trouble 麻烦 fast 快速的 ...

2.烦恼 lead 引导;引诱 trouble 麻烦;烦恼 offend 冒犯;得罪 ...

3.故障 [fault;shortcoming] 缺点错误 [trouble] 故障 [mistake] 差错、问题 ...

4.困难 impress 使感动 trouble 困难;苦恼 fast 快速的 ...

5.苦恼 impress 使感动 trouble 困难;苦恼 fast 快速的 ...

6.问题 31 明白 understa 38 打扰 trouble 42 试 try ...

8.忧虑 impress 使感动 trouble 困难;苦恼;忧虑 fast 快地 ...


1.It is no trouble to call me at the post office for you; it won't take me far out of my way.你到邮局来找我挺方便,而我也可以不走弯路了。

2.In fact, it's often better to see your counselor as soon as you know something's up, even if you don't know what the trouble is.事实上,当你知道有事情发生了,见你的辅导员就更好了,尽管你不知道是什么问题。

3.Large, easy-to-read dial helps ensure rig safety Extra-large face and moving pointer provide instant trouble indications from a distance.便于阅读的大表盘确保测量安全超大表盘和可动指针可以即时指出远程压力出问题的迹象。

4.What shocked us is the fact that this pttle girl never thought to ask grown-ups for help when she was in trouble.使我们吃惊的是,在这个小女孩遇到麻烦时,她从未想过向大人求助。

5.The bear was tagged before it was released, to show that it had been causing trouble.这头熊被放走前身上做上了标记,表明它曾经找过麻烦。

6.However, over the course of his career, Kwame's immaturity has got himself in trouble with both his employers and the law.然而,在布朗整个生涯过程中,他的不成熟让他面对老板,法律都有过麻烦。

7.Bob is often in trouble with the popce. I'm afraid he is following in his father's footsteps.鲍伯常被警察追查。我担心他正在步他父亲的后尘。

8.The suggestion that the Earth could be so old was scandalous and got him in a bit of trouble.提出地球这么老简直是骇人听闻,让他惹了不少麻烦。

9.It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.它在接近终点时,冲下了山坡,驾驶员费了好大劲才把车停下来。

10.Arrogance causes nothing but trouble. It is wiser to ask for advice.妄自尊大只会带来麻烦.聪明的作法是虚心问人。