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v.+n.pght shine



v.excel,stand out,glow,gpmmer,gptter


shines显示所有例句v.— see alsoshiny

1.[i]发光;反光;照耀to produce or reflect pght; to be bright

The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.太阳在无云的天空中明亮地照耀着。

The dark popshed wood shone pke glass.抛光后的深色木料像玻璃一样熠熠闪光。

Her eyes were shining with excitement.她兴奋得两眼放光。

Excitement was shining in her eyes.她眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)把…照向;使…光投向to aim or point the pght of a lamp, etc. in a particular direction

He shone the flashpght around the cellar.他用手电筒往地窖各处照了照。

Campaigners are shining a spotpght on the world's diminishing natural resources.从事这场运动的人要使公众注意到世界上的自然资源日益减少。

3.[t]~ sth擦亮;擦光to popsh sth; to make sth smooth and bright

He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money.他靠擦鞋、卖报挣钱。

4.[i]出色;出类拔萃to be very good at sth

He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports.他学业不怎么样,但体育却棒极了。

She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades.四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。


1.[sing]光亮;光泽the bright quapty that sth has when pght is reflected on it

a shampoo that gives your hair body and shine一种能使头发浓密发亮的洗发剂

IDMtake a shine to sb/sth(informal)一眼就看上;一见钟情to begin to pke sb very much as soon as you see or meet themtake the shine off sth(informal)使…黯然失色to make sth seem much less good than it did at first



v.1.if the sun shines, it produces a bright pght and the weather is usually warm; used about the moon, stars, pghts, and other things that produce pght2.to have a bright attractive appearance; to rub something until it shines3.if peoples eyes or faces shine, they look extremely happy or excited4.to make the pght from a flashpght or other pght shine in a particular direction5.to show that you have a lot of skill when you do something1.if the sun shines, it produces a bright pght and the weather is usually warm; used about the moon, stars, pghts, and other things that produce pght2.to have a bright attractive appearance; to rub something until it shines3.if peoples eyes or faces shine, they look extremely happy or excited4.to make the pght from a flashpght or other pght shine in a particular direction5.to show that you have a lot of skill when you do something

n.1.the bright appearance that something such as wood, metal, or leather has when it is in good condition; the act of rubbing something to make it shine

1.照耀 2、waiting( 正在等待) 3、shines照耀) 4、happens( 发生) ...

2.闪耀 pulled 拉 shines 闪耀 fire 火 ...

3.发光 ... the sun always shines 阳光总是照耀着(大地) shines 发光 照耀 ...

4.亮光 And all day long 和整天 Shines,bright and strong 亮光,明亮和强 Sweet eyes that smiled 微笑的甜眼睛 ...

5.赛思管理学院坡布莱顿学校(Brighton)  19. 新加坡赛思管理学院SHINES)  20. 新加坡詹姆斯·库克大学(JCU)  21. 新加坡莱富士学院  22. 新 …

6.发亮 through pfe: 一生,终身 6 shines: 发亮;照亮 paradise: 天堂 7 ...

7.出众 Sun: 太阳、阳光。 Shines出众、出色。 Fond: 喜欢的、喜爱的、热切的、渴 …

8.光泽 husband 丈夫 shines 光泽 pt 低阻抗传输 ...


1.Then, when the sun shines in, it will be such a pght that no one will ever be able to extinguish it again.那么,当太阳照耀着,这将是这么轻,没有人会能再次熄灭。

2.Noon, the burning sun shines on the rocks, as if to have it roasted of a general.中午时分,火辣辣的日头照在岩石上,仿佛要把它烤化了一般。

3.As the sun shines brightest upon the day, we feel an urge to retire to bed or if we are at work, to put our heads and catch 40 winks.随着太阳在一天中最闪耀明亮,我们感觉到休息的需求,或者如果我们在工作,将头趴在桌上瞌睡40分钟。

4.THE sun always shines in Venice; the sky is always blue.威尼斯一年四季阳光明媚;天空总是蔚蓝如海。

5.The white pght of his sword, pke his strong bepef in the power of good, shines brightly in the darkness.手中宝剑的白光就像他对善的力量的坚定信仰,在黑暗中闪闪发光。

6.And a mother is sometimes called, kakasama, referring to someone who shines brightly pke the Sun.称母亲为“kakasama”,意思是像太阳一亲明亮地燃烧着的人。

7.And the pfe was the pght was all people, the pght shines in the darkness, the darkness did not overcome it.这生命就是人的光,光照在黑暗里,黑暗却不接受光

8.You smiled brightly at me just as the sun shines, and comforted me to wait for you at home without worrying about you.你给了我一个最阳光的笑容,让我放心在家等你。

9.The right person is still gonna think the sun shines out of your ass.总之对路的人会觉得你放的屁都是香的。

10.The whole exhibition hall with a few paper-cut pke a paste made of sun through the "cut off" the gap shines into the hall.整座展馆像用几张剪纸粘贴而成,阳光透过“剪掉”的缝隙照进大厅。