


美式发音: [ʃɜrt] 英式发音: [ʃɜː(r)t]





shirt显示所有例句n.— see alsonightshirt,polo shirt,stuffed shirt,sweatshirt,T-shirt

1.(尤指男式的)衬衫a piece of clothing (usually for men), worn on the upper part of the body, made of pght cloth, with sleeves and usually with a collar and buttons down the front

to wear a shirt and tie穿衬衫,打领带

a short-sleeved shirt短袖衬衫

a football shirt足球衫


Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke.别生气!开个玩笑而已。

keep your shirt on(informal)别生气;保持冷静used to tell sb not to get angry

Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke.别生气!开个玩笑而已。

put your shirt on sb/sth(informal)把所有的钱全押在…上to bet all your money on sb/sththe shirt off sbs back(别人拿走或自愿送掉的)全部家当anything that sb has, including the things they really need themselves, that sb else takes from them or they are wilpng to give


n.1.a piece of mens clothing that covers the top part of the body. It usually has long sleeves and buttons down the front; a similar piece of clothing worn by women. A womans shirt is often called a blouse.

1.衬衫 sock n. 短袜 shirt n. 男衬衣;衬衫 T-shirt n. T 恤衫 ...

2.衬衣 冲锋衣 Hardshell 衬衣 Shirt 马甲/背心 Vest ...

3.男衬衫 jacket 夹克衫 shirt 男衬衫 blouse 女衬衫 ...

4.上衣 特价专区 SPECIAL 衬衫|上衣 SHIRT 裙装 DRESS ...

5.长袖衬衫 长袖T恤 T-SHIRT 长袖衬衫 SHIRT 夹克外套 COAT ...

6.男式衬衫 “sweater” 毛衣(两遍)张: “shirt男式衬衫(两遍)陈: “skirt” 短裙(两遍)张: ...

7.短袖衬衫 短袖T恤 T-SHIRT 短袖衬衫 SHIRT 长袖T恤 T-SHIRT ...

8.T恤 凛- Lin- T恤 shirt 外套 coat ...


1.Mike said the Christmas snap of the dad without his shirt on and the rest of his family in pyjamas was one of his favourites.麦克说,那张爸爸没穿上衣而他的家人都穿睡衣的圣诞快照是他最喜欢的其中一张。

2.While I waited for her to arrive I changedmy shirt and put on my good suit.在我等她的时候,我换上了我的衬衫,穿上了我比较好的套装。

3.Actually . . . with a huge hole in the front of my shirt since I still refuse to go shopping.事实上,衬衫的前面应该还有个大洞,因为我一直不愿去买件新的。

4.Evolution, to quote a T-shirt sent me by an anonymous well-wisher, is the greatest show on earth, the only game in town.引用一位匿名祝福者送给我的T恤上的话,进化,是地球上最伟大的表演,是唯一的选择。

5.He had been bleeding from the mouth, and his neck and the front of his shirt were stained a brilpant red.他的嘴里渗出了血,他的脖子和衬衣前部都被染上了灿烂的红色。

6.You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look.不要穿上你那条褪色很严重的牛仔裤并着一件很好的衬衣和系一条很好的领带,但可以通过搭配产生出独特的外表。

7.Anderson was "just getting to know this one, " she said, looking down at Jermaine's picture on her shirt.安德森低头看着她衬衫上杰梅尼的照片说,“我还正在慢慢了解这个孩子呢。”

8.I feel good, especially after the game against Manchester United, which was one of my best in an AC Milan shirt.我觉得自己状态很好,特别是在半决赛战胜曼联之后,那是我穿上红黑球衫之后表现最好的一次。

9.Snapped a few photos the other day. Love this silk shirt so much, especially the sequin cuff, there's sequins all over the cuff, so elegant.前几天拍的几张照。真的很喜欢这件真丝衬衫,尤其是秀满珠片的袖口,很优雅高贵。

10.She might have had her shirt on inside out and have been going to a photo shoot and . . . I may never speak to you again myself.她可能把衬衫穿反了,正要去照相馆……如果是我自己的话,我可能就再也不会理你了。