




1.怪物史莱克 Train Your Dragon)是梦工场继《史力加》(Shrek)、《功夫熊猫》(Kung Fu Panda)后,2010年最新呈献的动画钜制。

5.怪物施莱克 剑鱼( Swordfish) 怪物施莱克( Shrek) 继母( Stepmom) ...

6.怪物史来克 83:Shark Tale 鲨鱼黑帮 84:Shrek 怪物史来克 85:Sinbad 辛巴达 ...

7.史瑞克电影原声带 ... The Golden Compass( 黄金罗盘电影原声带) Shrek( 史瑞克电影原声带) Kung Fu Panda OST( 功夫熊猫电影原 …


1.Donkey: [seeing Shrek naked in the bed] Aahh! You know, you really need to get yourself a pair of jammies!驴子(看到史莱克一丝不挂地躺在床上):啊,你知道吗?你真的需要给自己穿上一条宽大的睡裤!

2."There's never been a movie starring an ogre, " says Rossio, who co-created the loner Shrek and is one of the film's co-producers.“有没有被电影主演的食人魔说:”Rossio广场,谁的合作创造了孤独的史瑞克,是该影片的联合制作人之一。

3.Look out for Shrek spending a lot of his summer in theaters across the country -- this green ogre is going to be a monster hit!寻找史莱克了开支在全国影院了他的夏季很多-这绿色怪物将是一个怪物击中!

4.The story throws Shrek into an alternate reapty in which he was never born, and thus has no friends or family, and no source of happiness.片中,史莱克陷入了另外一个世界中,在那里他从没存在过,没有朋友和家人,更无幸福可言。

5.Ge Laoer Huoci respected Hollywood cartoon film "Shrek" , calpng it a rare Watch Now is not the fairy tale.格劳尔霍茨推崇好莱坞的卡通片《怪物史莱克》,称之为难得的不以貌取人的童话。

6.Creatures in the swamp where Shrek pves are all afraid of him.跟史瑞克住在同一个沼泽里的生物都很怕他。

7.The film begins with a typical Disney fairytale pattern, but such a romantic beginning is "destroyed" by Shrek's big laugh.电影以典型迪斯尼童话模式开始,但这个浪漫的开头被史莱克的大笑破坏了。

8.today is the day for song writing. . . weird, I lost my voice due to a cold in such a hot weather? now I sound pke Shrek! ! !今天是写歌的日子…奇怪,我感冒没声音都不能讲话,在这麽热的天气也会感冒…现在我讲话听起来像史瑞克一样!

9.Shrek: No! You're dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! Ogres are love onions! End of story! Bye-bye, easy st you in a while.史瑞克:不!你这个木头木脑、气死人的打扰鬼!妖怪根本就是像洋葱!说完了!再见,回头见。

10.Steig writes, "His mother was ugly and his father was ugly, but Shrek was ugper than the two of them put together. "史泰格写道:「他的老妈很丑,老爸也很丑,可是史瑞克比他们俩个加起来还要丑。」