


美式发音: [ʃraʊd] 英式发音: [ʃraʊd]




复数:shrouds  现在分词:shrouding  过去式:shrouded  



1.裹尸布;寿衣a piece of cloth that a dead person's body is wrapped in before it is buried

2.~ of sth覆盖物;遮蔽物a thing that covers, surrounds or hides sth

The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.这个组织笼罩着一种诡秘的气氛。

a shroud of smoke一片烟雾


1.~ sth in sth覆盖;隐藏;遮蔽to cover or hide sth

The city was shrouded in mist.城市笼罩在雾霭之中。

2.~ sth in sth隐瞒;保密to hide information or keep it secret and mysterious

His family background is shrouded in mystery .他的家庭背景蒙上了神秘的色彩。

n.1.裹尸布,尸衣2.覆盖物,屏蔽,掩蔽(物),幕,帐3.【航】罩,侧板;【机】护罩;套管;(水车的)侧板4.【航】同“支桅索;【航空】shroud pne”1.裹尸布,尸衣2.覆盖物,屏蔽,掩蔽(物),幕,帐3.【航】罩,侧板;【机】护罩;套管;(水车的)侧板4.【航】同“支桅索;【航空】shroud pne”


n.1.[Navigation]Same as 支桅索;【航空】shroud pne2.a piece of cloth that is wrapped around a dead body before it is buried3.something that covers or hides something

v.1.to cover or hide something2.to wrap a dead body in a piece of cloth

1.寿衣 CLOAK / 斗篷 SHROUD / 寿衣 IACK / 水兵 ...

2.裹尸布 (1) 环绕[ circle] (3) 笼罩,烟雾等弥漫着[ shroud] (1) 遍;完满;周全[ full] ...

4.覆盖 shrink 收缩,皱缩 shroud 寿衣;遮蔽物;v.覆盖 shrub 灌木 ...

5.隐藏 shrewd 精明的 shroud 隐藏 somatic 身体的 ...

6.覆盖物 shock absorber 减震器 shroud 遮蔽物,覆盖物 sidewall 轮胎侧面胎壁 ...

7.护罩 检修门 access door 护罩 shroud 胶 sealant ...


1.Likewise, he said the tail's remains suggested that it was designed to shroud or mask metal parts, which are much more visible to radar.另外,他说,尾翼残骸表明它是为了包裹或掩盖金属部分而设计的,金属部分更容易被雷达探测到。

2.At this, one of the men reached out his hand, began unstitching the shroud and, seizing it by one end suddenly uncovered Marguerite's face.两个工人中的一个动手拆开尸布,他抓住一头尸布掀开,一下子露出了玛格丽特的脸庞。

3.From the point of view of many skeptics, it is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that the shroud is a forgery .从很多怀疑论者的观点来看,这是证明裹尸布是假的强而有力证据。

4.i , said the beetle , with my thread and needle , i make the shroud.我来,甲虫说,我将为他做寿衣,用我的针和线。

5.The enemy seems to attack out defense positions tonight under the shroud of darkness.敌军看起来好像要利用黑夜的掩护突破防守的局势。

6.A plurapty of openings in the shroud are configured to meter a flow of diluent between the baffle hole and the at least one fuel nozzle.防护罩中的多个开口构造成在隔板孔和该至少一个燃料喷嘴之间计量稀释剂流。

7.'Ll make his shroud? I, said the Beetle, With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.谁为他做寿衣?是我,甲虫说,用我的针和线,我会来做寿衣。

8.Who'll make his shroud? "I, " said the beetle.谁来做寿衣?是我,甲虫说。

9.Who'll make his shroud? I, said the Bettle, With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.谁来缝制他的丧衣?我,甲虫说,用我的线和针,我来缝制他的丧衣。

10.'There is no doubt in my mind that the proportions that Leonardo wrote about were used in creating this Shroud's face. '毫无疑问,在我看来,达·芬奇描述的那种比例关系,被用来制作裹尸布上的耶稣遗像了。