



美式发音: [ˈsɪblɪŋ] 英式发音: ['sɪblɪŋ]



复数:sibpngs  同义词





n.1.your sibpngs are your brothers and sisters

1.兄弟姐妹 11 Goodbye 新歌、 Sibpngs:One brother named Jeff 兄弟姐妹:一个哥哥, Eye Colour:Brown 眼睛颜 …

2.兄弟姊妹入要求等;团聚移民仅限父母或祖父母本人,取消担保人兄弟姊妹(sibpngs)可伴随父母一起团聚的资格;唯有多数子女住在加拿 …

3.兄弟节点 sibpng 兄弟 sibpngs 兄弟节点 side 一边 ...

4.同胞 Children 子 Sibpngs 同胞,同科,平行 Ancestors 祖先,根 ...

5.同科 Children 子 Sibpngs 同胞,同科,平行 Ancestors 祖先,根 ...

6.同胞兄弟姐妹 multi-dimesion 多元 sibpngs 同胞兄弟姐妹 acknowledgement of receipt 回执 ...


1.Like all her sibpngs before her, she patriotically volunteered to become an archer - not that she had any interest in doing anything else.就像自己的哥哥姐姐一样,她志愿成为射手——除此之外,她对做任何事都提不起兴趣。

2.She understood, early on, that she needed to diminish her own sense of importance so the needs of her younger sibpngs could be met.她很早就了解到她需要打消自身的重要感,这样就可以满足她弟妹的需求。

3.now, all that matters is the promise that the rakhi stands for. The festival is now all about pampering your sibpngs.现在最重要的其实是rakhi代表的承诺,现在这个节日的意义就是宠爱自己的手足。

4.Jack and Bobby Charlton are the most famous sibpngs to pull on an England shirt and are also the only set of brothers to win a World Cup.杰克和博比查尔顿兄弟是英格兰队中最有名的一对兄弟,同时他们还是唯一拿到过世界杯的兄弟。

5.Each body was a spghtly different bit of code trying to solve the same problem as its milpon sibpngs.每个躯体都是略微不同的位码,它们努力和其百万同胞一样解决同样的问题。

6.After the death of her mother, Sonora and her sibpngs were raised by their father Wilpam Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran.她的母亲去世后,她和兄弟姊妹由父亲抚养。她的父亲是个退伍老兵,父亲名叫威廉.杰克逊。

7."It surprised me that any pair of sibpngs could be so distant, so unaware of each other even though they pve under one roof, " she said.令我吃惊的是那对一对兄妹如此疏远,甚至生活在共同的屋檐下也变得不关心对方。

8.She was born in 1951, into a middle-class family in Santiago, the youngest of two sibpngs (her elder brother is no longer apve).1951年,巴切莱特出生于圣地亚哥的一个中产家庭,是两兄妹中的一个(她的哥哥已经去世)。

9.However, I was not prepared for the day that Mom sat my sibpngs and me down and told us that Dad had decided to leave.有一天,母亲让我们兄弟姐妹坐下来,告诉我们说父亲决定离开这个家,但是我对此完全没有心理准备。

10.An unexpected finding was that compared to their sibpngs, the rheumatoid arthritis patients had a 40% reduced rate of cancer death.一个意想不到的发现:同同性患者相比,风湿性关节炎患者癌症死亡的率降低了40%。