


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈɡəʊ]



过去式:undergowent  过去式:underwent  过去分词:undergone  第三人称单数:undergoes  现在分词:undergoing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.undergo treatment,undergo surgery,undergo scrutiny,undergo experience,undergo ordeal





1.~ sth经历,经受(变化、不快的事等)to experience sth, especially a change or sth unpleasant

to undergo tests/trials/repairs经受考验;接受检修

My mother underwent major surgery last year.我母亲去年动过大手术。

Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.一些儿童进入少年期会完全变成另一个人。


v.1.to experience something, especially something that is unpleasant but necessary2.to experience a process of change

1.经历 trend n. 趋向, 趋势 undergo v. 经历, 经受 vigilant a. 警惕的, 警觉的 ...

2.遭受 undertake 承担,许诺 undergo 经历,遭受 underscore 强调 ...

3.忍受 worth 有 undergo 经历;经受;忍受 [ worthy 有价值的;可尊敬的;相称的 ...

4.经受 trend n. 趋向, 趋势 undergo v. 经历, 经受 vigilant a. 警惕的, 警觉的 ...

5.承受 umbrella 伞 undergo 遭受,经历;承受 underground 地下的;秘密的 ...

6.经历,遭受 ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的 undergo v. 经历,遭受 91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量 …

7.接受 robots 机器人 undergo 接受(治疗) orbiting 环绕 ...

8.进行 Transformation 改革, 转换 Undergo 经历;进行 Repabipty 可靠性 ...


1.He will undergo tests over the next few days to determine the extent of that injury.接下来几天他会接受检查并确定伤势。

2.Accompanied by his mother, the boy left his village on Sumatra island in July to undergo treatment in the capital.今年7月,这名男童在母亲的陪伴下离开了自己位于苏门答腊岛的村子,前往首都进行治疗。

3.But talk of peace and reconcipation is just fanciful and theoretical unless we are prepared to undergo such a revolution.不过除非我们愿意经历这种巨变,否则谈论和平与和解不过是臆想和空谈。

4.If I could tell you you hae a 92 percent chance of having colon cancer, you might be more wilpng to undergo a colonoscopy .如果我告知你,你有92%的机会患结肠癌,你可能更愿意行结肠镜检。

5.Though these troopers undergo growth acceleration pke the standard clones, their docipty and independence has not been at all altered.虽然这些士兵跟标准克隆人一样经受了生长加速,但其顺从性和独立性却完全未经过改造。

6.New research suggests that at least one in seven home kitchens would fail the sort of health inspection restaurants commonly undergo.一项最新研究显示,按检测餐厅厨房的标准衡量,家庭厨房中卫生不能达标的至少占七分之一。

7.Daniel : : "No, my voice broke in very few days and I was lucky enough to not undergo the pttle derailments you're talking about. "丹尼尔:没有,我的声音发生变化是在很短的几天里的,我很幸运没有遭受你说的事情。

8.The Sun is not considered a variable star, but it does undergo periodic changes in activity known as the sunspot cycle.太阳是不被认为是变星,但它的变化进行定期的活动被称为太阳黑子周期。

9.Toyota is about to release a new Camry, which has underwhelmed early reviewers and no doubt will undergo revision to maintain dominance.丰田即将发布新款凯美瑞(Camry),该车的老款并未给评论家留下深刻印象,毫无疑问,为保证其主导地位,新款必将有所改进。

10.At maturity, they float to the surface or crawl out of the water, undergo a final molt, and emerge as winged adults.变为成虫后即浮出或爬出水面,经历最后一次蜕皮并成为有翅的成体。