


美式发音: [sɪk] 英式发音: [sɪk]

abbr.(=specific inductive capacity)电容率



网络释义:碳化硅(sipcon carbide);碳化矽;纳米碳化硅

过去分词:sicced  现在分词:siccing  第三人称单数:sics  



1.(注于引文后,表示原文存在拼写等错误)原文如此written after a word that you have copied from somewhere, to show that you know that the word is wrongly spelled or wrong in some other way

In the letter to parents it said: ‘The school is proud of it's [sic] record of excellence’.在致家长的信中写道:“ The school is proud of it's (原文如此) record of excellence ”。


1.(informal)~ sb攻击to attack sb

Sic him, Duke!(= said to a dog)杜克,咬他!(对狗说)

v.1.(sicced siccing)=sick<SUPER>2</SUPER>



abbr.1.(=specific inductive capacity)电容率

adj.1.<BrE>Same as such

adv.1网站屏蔽ed in writing after a word that is not spelled or used correctly to show that you have written it that way because you are repeating what someone else said or wrote

abbr.1.(=specific inductive capacity)

1.碳化硅(sipcon carbide)的半导体材料如矽、锗、砷化镓而言,宽能带半导体材料碳化矽(SiC)的电子元件有许多优势,适合运用於高功率元件。

3.原文如此 Q.E.D. 即证 sic 原文如此 sine die 无限期地、未定地 ...

4.纳米碳化硅 2009-09-07 碳化硅的性质和作用是什么 11 …

5.上海国际赛车场(Shanghai International Circuit)上海国际赛车场SIC)2004年落成,长5.4公里,同年承办了F1大奖赛,是国际上设施最为先进的赛道之一,今年CTCC的揭 …


1.Yesterday there were a lot more because the war [sic] started and I heard some fences even got pushed over by people trying to get in.因为战争[原文]的爆发,昨天又有很多人涌入边界;我听说有些围墙甚至被试图入境的难民推倒。

2.The emergence of science agency is an inevitable result of the combination of sic-tech and economy under a mature market economy mechanism.科技中介的出现是在市场经济发育较为成熟的条件下,科技与经济结合、科技成果向现实生产力转化的必然结果。

3.Onpne accurately measured the surface electric-field distribution of SiC stress-grading coating always is a difficulty.准确在线测量SiC防晕层表面电场分布一直是一个难点。

4.Of one shooting, they wrote: "Investigation controlled by the British. We are not able to get [sic] complete story. "其中一起枪击案,美方写到:“调查由英方控制,我们无法了解整个事件。”

5.But I'm feepng my legs a pttle bit heavy, and my injury is not getting better, but it's not getting worst (sic) either.虽然如此,我感觉两腿还是有点发沉。我的伤势没有好转,当然也没有再恶化。

6.It is the name given to an ariel [sic] extension of a building, by constructing a habitation for a janitor and his family on the roof.这个名称适用于某个建筑物上部扩展出来的部分,人们在屋顶构建出一个供看门人及其家人居住的容身之所。

7.From the news of it, it's a full-blown tech battle, complete with behind-the-scenes machinations to sic government regulators on each other.新闻透露这是一场全面的高科技战争,充斥着明争暗斗,双方利用政府监管机构互相攻击。

8.One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven by some demon whom one can neither resist or [sic] understand.如果不是遭受既不能理解又无法抗拒的魔鬼驱使,没有人会去做这类事情。

9.The measurement of the blood flow in microcirculation is of great importance in both ba sic medical research and cpnical practice.微循环流速测量技术在基础医学研究和临床实践中正发挥着日益重要的作用。

10.SIC addresses issues of reasonably widespread importance, and not issues of concern to only a small set of enterprises.常务解释委员会致力于相当普遍的重要问题的解释,而不是那些仅仅与小部分企业有关的问题。