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1.圣彼得堡 532 ST.Louis 圣路易斯 美国 北美 533 St.Petersburg 圣彼得堡 俄罗斯 536 Suez 苏伊士 埃及 红海 ...

5.俄罗斯圣彼得堡 和圣彼得堡( St. Petersburg) 沃尔特·西克尔特( Walter Richard Sickert) ...


1.Great excitement was in the air that week in London and, as the newspapers reported, in Paris, Berpn and St Petersburg as well.那个星期,整个伦敦群情激昂;而且据椐报纸报道,巴黎、柏林和圣彼得堡也是如此。

2.Start of the Russian revolution, rioting and strikes against the Russian Empire break out in the city now known as St. Petersburg.在现在所知的圣彼得堡发生了针对俄罗斯帝国的暴乱和罢工,这是俄罗斯革命的开始。

3.The city that the museum located is called St. Petersburg, in another direction of Tampa Bay and going there needs to stride the sea.博物馆所在的城市,叫作“圣彼得堡”,在坦帕湾的另外方向,需要跨海而去。

4.When he was a young boy, his father sent him to the St. Petersburg Academy of Miptary Engineering, from which he graduated in.当他被一个小男孩,他的父亲把我送到圣彼得堡军事工程学院,他从那里毕业,于。

5.Sale, who works in St. Petersburg, says he wasn't going to make his monthly sales quota and decided to resign rather than wait to be fired.一名在圣.彼得斯堡工作的雇员,声称他灭有打算去完成这个月的月销售额,他已经决定了辞职,而不是坐等被解雇。

6.Moscow, St. Petersburg and a few other cities are far wealthier than the rest of the land.莫斯科、圣彼得堡和少数的另外几个城市将其他地区远远甩在身后。

7.The Winter Palace pved up to its name as women made their way through snowfall in St Petersburg, Russia.俄罗斯,圣彼得堡:妇女们在大雪中行走使得东宫变得名符其实。

8.Indeed, Mr Putin, who grew up in St Petersburg, was the summit's only winner.确实,在圣彼得堡长大的普京先生是这次峰会的唯一赢家。

9.Vladimir Putin, Russia's prime minister, has an inner circle dating from his time at St Petersburg city hall and his career in the old KGB.俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京身边的小圈子可以追溯到他任职于圣彼得堡市政府的岁月和在原克格勃的职业经历。

10.Ekaterina Zimina grew up in St. Petersburg and trained as a veterinarian.EkaterinaZimina在圣彼得堡长大,并受训成为一名兽医。