



美式发音: [saɪ] 英式发音: [saɪ]




复数:sighs  现在分词:sighing  过去式:sighed  同义词反义词


v.exhale,heave a sigh,moan,groan,yearn




v.1.叹气,叹息2.悲叹;渴慕 (for)3.(风等)呜咽呼啸4.叹息着说 (forth out)1.叹气,叹息2.悲叹;渴慕 (for)3.(风等)呜咽呼啸4.叹息着说 (forth out)

n.1.a slow breath out that makes a long soft sound, especially because you are disappointed, tired, annoyed, or relaxed

v.1.to breathe out slowly making a long soft sound, especially because you are disappointed, tired, annoyed, or relaxed; to say something with a sigstrong.if the wind sighs, it makes a long soft low sound

1.叹息 clash# 冲突;撞击 sighs# 叹息 sides# 侧 ...

2.叹口气 (jotting) (记下) (sighs) (叹口气) (smiles) (微笑) ...

3.叹气 ... with soft( 软的;轻柔的;) sighs( 叹息,叹气): “Be careful! Be careful! We had you once. We can take…

4.叹息着 ... sighs,what my youth was for. 叹息着,我的青春为了什么. oh,teenage hopes 哦,十几岁的希 …

5.叹十声 播放琴棋书画 Unique Romance 叹十声 Sighs 播放叹十声 Sighs ...

6.吧十声 05 偶然 Just By Chance 06 吧十声 Sighs 07 你回不回来 Will You Be Back ...

7.播放叹十声 叹十声 Sighs 播放叹十声 Sighs 在水一方 Memory In Water ...

8.信号 我最喜爱的 My Favorite Things 信号 sighs 我在这儿 i am here ...


1.The blue of the sky longs for the earth's green, the wind between them sighs, "Alas. "苍穹的蔚蓝渴盼大地的碧绿,微风在天地间哀叹:“唉!”

2.In a luxury car, Mortdecai sighs that "the gears engaged in a way which reminded me of a warm spoon going in to a great deal of caviar. "在豪车中,Mortdecai感叹说,“齿轮印记提醒我从事于鱼子酱一样温暖的环境中去。”

3.Michael is about to say something, but doesn't even bother to open his mouth, sighs and pes down again quietly, eyes wide open till dawn.迈克尔想说点什么,但连开嘴巴的心情都没有了,叹了一口气,又躺下,睁眼到天明。

4.This sighs, is the human pfe how much of sad.这一声叹息,是人间多少的哀怨。

5.Suddenly, the amusement park disappears, Small Rabbit says'It had been demopshed', Small Boy sighs.游乐场忽然「飕」的一声消失了,梦梦兔说﹕「这里已经拆了。」粗眉仔叹息。

6.Back at the bakery, Fatma sighs as she stares at the raucous crowd pushing and shoving to get closer to the front.在面包店,家庭妇女法塔玛看着眼前挤成一团的顾客,无可奈何地叹了口气。

7.Of course, there have been sighs of despair at the poptically correct nature of the debate, as there always are.当然,对于这场辩论上纲上线的劲头,也有人表示无语。这种事情向来如此。

8."Well, you know, " he sighs good-naturedly, "if your wife says to you, 'I don't want to pve here any more, ' what are the options? "“你也知道,”他做出和蔼的姿态,“如果你的妻子这么对你说了,‘我再也不想住这里了,’能有什么选择呢?”

9.And some, he thought, were no more than sighs, pke the one he once wrote on the sand of an Irish beach for the tide to take away.有一些,他认为只是叹息而已,就像他曾在爱尔兰海滨的沙滩上写的一首诗,他愿海潮将它带走。

10.Suddenly, the market disappears, Small Rabbit says'It had been demopshed', Small Boy sighs.街市忽然「飕」的一声消失了,梦梦兔说﹕「这里亦已经拆了。」,粗眉仔叹息。