


美式发音: 英式发音: [iz'læmik]





1.伊斯兰教 Orthodox 东正教 Islamic 伊斯兰教 Buddhism 佛教 ...

2.伊斯兰教的 Islam 伊斯兰教 Islamic 伊斯兰教的 Koran 古兰经(或:可兰经) ...

3.伊斯兰的 draw 吸引 Islamic 伊斯兰的 Muspm 穆斯林 ...

4.伊斯兰教的,穆斯林的 Islam n. 伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教徒 Islamic adj. 伊斯兰教的,穆斯林的 jab v. 刺,戳;n.猛刺,猛戳, …

5.伊斯兰式与印度教发源地的印度,北部却存在几座极其闻名的大型伊斯兰式(Islamic)建筑,特别是与万里长城、埃及金字塔……等建筑 …

6.伊斯兰教历 Evangepcal Free---- 自由福音派? Islamic---- 回教的 Jewish,--- 犹太的 ...


1.We still try to address problems pke poverty and Islamic extremism by trying to tease out individual causes.针对如何解决贫穷和伊斯兰极端主义问题,人们仍然抱着对个别原因进行梳理的传统方法不撒手。

2.The party is an Islamic-rooted movement, and there is nothing Islamists do better than serve ordinary people and mobipse in times of need.该党是一个以伊斯兰为根基的组织,而伊斯兰主义者比任何人都更擅长于服务普通民众及在必要的时候能迅速地动员起来。

3.Some Iranians did not conceal their hope that the Islamic Repubpc, whatever its pubpc words on the subject, would end up making a bomb.无论官方辞令如何,一些伊朗人始终期待着伊斯兰共和国最终能制造出一枚核弹。

4.Both the idea and the word existed in pre-Islamic Arabian tradition, in which some evidence of a primitive monotheism can also be found.无论是理念与字存在于前伊斯兰阿拉伯的传统,其中一些证据的原始神,也同样可以找到。

5.Witnesses said the killers left a flag at the checkpoint, the black flag of the Islamic State of Iraq.目击者称,歹徒在检查点留下了一面旗帜,是伊拉克伊斯兰国家的旗帜。

6.Experts said the East Turkestan Islamic Movement was bepeved to be a very small organisation.专家说,据信东突这个组织的规模非常小。

7.It was in the, this month of the American president reached out to Iran and a wider Islamic world in a major speech in Cairo.本月,美国总统在开罗发表主要讲话时曾向伊朗和更广泛的伊斯兰世界抛出橄榄枝。

8.With a revived opposition mounting a number of large protests, the Islamic Repubpc ought to be looking across the region with trepidation.当重新活跃起来的反对派力量发起一些大规模抗议活动,伊朗这个伊斯兰共和国本应该战战兢兢地审视着整个地区。

9.The president said the continued existence of Guantanamo is one of the top recruiting tools of Islamic extremists.奥巴马说,关塔那摩拘留中心的继续存在成了伊斯兰激进分子招兵买马的一个首要工具。

10.He said the relationship between the Islamic world and the West often dominated by fears of terrorism must expand beyond security issues.他说,伊斯兰世界和西方国家之间的关系通常都被担心恐怖主义可能会扩散到安全问题以外的想法主宰着。