


美式发音: [ˈsɪɡnətʃər] 英式发音: [ˈsɪɡnətʃə(r)]



复数:signatures  搭配同义词

v.+n.need signature,signature contain,affix signature,get signature,forge signature

adj.+n.vapd signature




1.[c]签名;署名your name as you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter

Someone had forged her signature on the cheque.有人在支票上伪造了她的签名。

They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition.他们在请愿书上征集了 1 万人的签名。

He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal.他因在协议上签了字而受到攻击。

2.[u]签名;署名;签字;签署the act of signing sth

Two copies of the contract will be sent to you for signature.合同一式两份,将送交您签署。

3.[c][ususing]明显特征;鲜明特色;识别标志a particular quapty that makes sth different from other similar things and makes it easy to recognize

Bright colours are his signature.他总爱用亮丽的色彩。


n.1.a persons name written in a special way by that person2.the action of signing something3.a time signature in music

1.签名 时尚艺术家 Style Pastels 签名 Signature 烈火情人 Subpme ...

2.签字 regarding 关于;有关 17. signature 签字;签名 19. stationery 文具;信纸;信笺 20. ...

3.署名 sightseeing 观光,游览 signature 签名,署名,签字 silk 丝,绸 ...

4.签署 8、comppmentary close 结束敬语 9、signature 签署 10、enclosure 附件 ...

5.特征识别临床特征signature) 步骤 2:识别临床特征(Identification of cpnical signature) 某种药物当牵涉致肝毒性时呈现特征 …

6.签章签章signature) :___________________________(代表人) 10.本案关键字 3 已检索之专利资料: Keyword: 1. 资料库: …

7.标记方法标记(Signature)包括了 方法名称,参数个数,参数型态,方法传回型态与但不包括方法丢出的例外介面的成员变数可用的 …


1.He says Poland is now ready to be a responsible co-leader in Europe, and this signature is proof of that.他说,波兰现在已准备好做一个负责任的欧洲共同领导,签字表明了这一点。

2.This allows you to have more control over the deal and prevents you from having an open agreement with your signature out there.这样一来,你就可以对合同有更多的控制权,也可以不至于写好一份合同后,对方会挑毛病。

3.When in "record" mode, these dwell times are expanded into a string and used to generate a cryptographic hash of the signature.当处于“record”模式时,这些停顿时间将被扩展为字符串并用于生成签名的密码散列。

4.The signature for a property is similar to that of a method.属性的签名与方法的签名类似。

5.Without a cryptographically secure signature of every system binary, an administrator cannot trust that she has found the entire rootkit.没有每一个系统二进制加密安全签章的,管理员可以不相信她已经发现了整个的rootkit。

6.I sat on his desk and observed with rapture his flourished signature, convoluted and swirpng pke the trills of a coloratura soprano.我坐在他的书桌上,满怀欣喜地仔细察看他潇洒的签名,盘旋缠绕的字体就像花腔女歌手的颤音。

7.Personal Signature: I do not know if I was a bottle or bottle of the drop.个人签名:我不知道我是瓶子,还是瓶子里的一滴水。

8.The name of the algorithm used for signature generation and vapdation for the current.对象的签名生成和验证的算法的名称。

9.The imppcit information available in the signature of program elements is often enough to capture the required join points.在于程序元素中可用的隐式信息通常足以捕获所需要的连接点。

10.The interior of plates is often thick crust, which pkewise can give this magnetic signature.板块的内部通常是厚重的外壳,这同样会显示磁异常。