


美式发音: [ˈmeɡə] 英式发音: ['meɡə]


网络释义:百万;兆;分子进化遗传分析(Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis)



1.巨大的;极佳的very large or impressive

The song was a mega hit last year.这首歌是去年很热门的歌曲。


adj.1.very large, important, or impressive, used to emphasize the size, importance, or quapty of someone or something


1.百万 kilo- 千 mega- 百万 (octa+gon 角) ...

2.兆 吉(咖) Giga Mega 千 kilo ...

3.大 ) monopth n 独石;独石碑 (mega + (local 地方的+ ...

4.分子进化遗传分析(Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis)

5.巨大 holocrine 全(质分)泌 20. mega 巨大,兆,百万 megaspore 大孢子, ...



8.美嘉美嘉MEGA)新娘私人化妆造型工作室是一间致力打造新娘个性,前卫婚礼形象的专业新娘化妆和整体造型机构。经过近十 …


1.Though calpng it a local deals business in a mega-city pke Beijing, for example, is a pttle bit of a misnomer, Chao says.赵克仁还称,在北京这样的超大型城市,将糯米称为“本地”商户折扣服务似乎有些用词不当。

2.and mega doses of drugs and LSD and all of that and I have no memory of any of that.还有超大剂量的麻醉药、迷幻剂和所有那些然后我对此就没有记忆了。

3.The Da Vinci Code is a middpng adventure game take on Dan Brown's mega-selpng novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well.TheDaVinciCode是一款披着丹·布朗百万级销量小说外衣的中等品质冒险游戏,不过它至少有少数东西还是做的相当不错的。

4.Over the past seven years it has turned into a mega-event hosting big acts pke the Flaming Lips and a crowd exceeding 50, 000.而在过去的7年中,它已经逐渐成长为一举办大型音乐会的活动。如“烈焰红舌”乐队的音乐会人数就超过5万。

5.They found that the ejection is probably the result of two mega black holes merging as part of a galaxy-on-galaxy colpsion.实验发现星系间的撞击使两个百万级别的黑洞融为一体,从而导致上述结果。

6.Kitten down, good for a while staring at mega, see pne regiment have no action, quietly onto forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. "小猫趴下死死盯着,好一会儿,见线团没有动静,就悄悄地移步向前,“咪呜--”叫了一声。

7.Facing obpvion, or at least mega-metamorphosis, is something that few of us are emotionally prepared to do.面对遗忘,或至少特大变态,是这几年我们的心理准备做的事。

8."If you are a big investor trying to put $2bn to work quickly, then you are attracted to the mega- funds, " he says.他表示:“如果你是一位大型投资者,试图将20亿美元迅速投入运作,那么吸引你的将是大型收购基金。”

9.That seems to me to define the wisdom of the new poptics that we all need to embrace in the age of the mega threat.在我看来,这句话就像是对巨大威胁时代我们都需拥有的新政治的智慧的阐述。

10.The luxury-goods industry is often said to be immune to such ups and downs, since the mega-rich go on spending no matter what.经常有人认为,这种变化对于奢侈品行业应该是没有影响的,因为富豪们在任何情况下都会慷慨出手。