


美式发音: 英式发音: ['siːnjɔː]






n.1.Same as Mr

1.先生 process v.加工 Signor n.(意大利语)先生 champion n.冠军 ...

2.阁下 signman 画广告牌者 signor 阁下 signora 夫人 ...


1.Signor Vitelp took pity on him and vent for his wife and daughter to come down to the cafe to join them.维太里先生派人去喊他老伴和女儿下山来,到咖啡馆同他们一道聊聊。

2.Signor Pastrini repped that he had only two rooms and a parlor on the third floor, which he offered at the low charge of a louis per diem.派里尼老板回信说,他只有两间寝室和一间内房,在三楼上,租金很低廉,每天只要一个路易。

3.Signor Pastrini remained silent a short time; it was evident that he was musing over this answer, which did not seem very clear.派里尼老板沉默了一会儿,显然在体会这几句回答的话,他似乎不十分明白。

4.True, he might in such a case rely on the kindness of Signor Torlonia.不错,在这种情形之下,他相信托洛尼亚先生一定肯帮忙的。

5.Iraqi Signor, who pves in London, is also finding it difficult to fund joy in celebrations.同样地,住在伦敦的IraqiSignor,也觉得很难从庆祝节日当中,找到乐趣。

6.this new tenant , who , as we have said , was an itapan , was called il signor giacomo busoni.这位新房客,我们已经说过,是一个意大利神父,自称为琪亚柯摩布沙尼先生。

7.Thank you, M. Le Vicomte, once more, if you please, Signor.谢谢您,子爵先生。各位,我们再排练一遍!

8.An apartment, as we have said, had been retained beforehand, and thus he had but to goto Signor Pastrini's hotel.我们已经说过,房间是事先预定了的,所以他只要到派里尼老板的旅馆去就得了。

9.Very sad, Signor Milo, very sad. But now that you are back, the people are all happy again.迈洛先生,情况不妙啊,情况很不妙,可你一回来,人们全又开心了。

10.But anyway. . . Signor Sollozzo, my no is final.但总之,索拉索先生,我的决定还是不行。