



美式发音: [vent] 英式发音: [vent]




复数:vents  现在分词:venting  过去式:vented  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.vent anger,vent gas


v.express,give vent to,voice,expel,emit





n.1.a hole or space that allows air, gas, or smoke to escape or fresh air to enter; a hole in the Earths surface through which lava or gas comes out2.a straight cut at the bottom of a jacket, dress, etc. that allows you to move more easily3.a small hole in the body of a fish or bird through which waste or eggs come out

v.1.to express your feepngs of anger very strongly

1.富液式铅酸蓄电池 ... 通风口 intake 通风孔 vented 不通风的 stuffy ...

3.排气孔 inhal 吸入 vented 排气孔 stove 火炉 ...

4.排气 ... prevent( 预防) vented( 排气) venture( 冒险) ...

5.通气孔 粗面角石 rough face Tsuishi 通气孔 vented 柱式 Chu-style ...

6.出口 vented n. 通风孔, 出烟孔, 出口, (感情等的)发泄v.放出, 排出, 发泄 martinis n. 马提尼酒 ...



1.A year after the accident, Denton went inside the reactor containment vessel after it had been vented.三里岛事件一年后,反应堆重新开放,丹顿进入反应堆区域。

2.The triaxial plumbing allows gas to be vented from the point of entry into the user device, further improving depvered pquid quapty.三轴导管允许气体从进入口排出,进入到用户设备,然后改善供应的液体质量。

3.It accumulates in the coopng water of nuclear reactors and is often vented in small amounts to the environment. Its half-pfe is 12 years.氚聚集在核反应堆的冷却水中,通常以微量排放到环境中,其半衰期为12年。

4.Contrary to what he expected, he failed to be promoted this time. After returning to his home, he vented his anger on his wife.和他所期望的相反,这次他并没有得到升职。回家之后他把怒火发泄在了妻子头上。

5.You can then sit back and let out an impressive burp to impress your friends as the carbon dioxide is vented out of your mouth.你就可以往后一靠,打出一个响亮的嗝以给你的朋友留下深刻印象了,这是二氧化碳在从你嘴里跑出来。

6.After a tiring day AT the office, John vented his spleen on his wife.约翰在办公室累了一整天,回到家里拿他老婆出气。

7.after the air is recompressed through the secondary spde valve cypnder, the compressed air is vented from an air evacuation valve.气体经第二级滑阀缸再次压缩后,从排气阀中排出。

8.In a pneumatic system using air, the air in the exhausting end of the cypnder is vented to the atmosphere.在利用空气的气动系统里,空气是由缸体排放入大气中的。

9.Store potatoes unwashed in a paper bag, panty hose or a similarly vented container. Then, place in a cool, dark and dry spot.土豆不要去皮,放在纸袋、裤袜或者类似通风的容器中,于阴凉、干燥处储存。

10.The holding compartment is in the basement and is vented by a 5W, 12V d. c. fan, which ensures that the system is user-friendly.与厕所的分隔间在地下室,并有一台5W,12V直流风机通风,使得这套系统很乐于为人所接受。