


美式发音: [hʌmpt] 英式发音: [hʌmpt]






1.有隆起物的;似驼峰的having a hump or humps ; shaped pke a hump

a humped back驼背

He was tall and broad with humped shoulders.他身高体宽,双肩隆起。



v.1.The past tense and past participle of hump

1.驼峰 humpy 1. 骆驼 humped 驼背的,有隆肉的 stoop 1. 俯(首),低(头),弯(腰),曲(背),使弯曲 ...

3.有隆肉的 humpy 1. 骆驼 humped 驼背的,有隆肉的 stoop 1. 俯(首),低(头),弯(腰),曲(背),使弯曲 ...

4.有肉峰的 humpbacked 驼背的 humped 有肉峰的,有瘤的 humper 保险杆 ...

5.有瘤的 humpbacked 驼背的 humped 有瘤的 humper 保险杆 ...

6.驼峰型loped) 水平 (flat) 反向或斜率为负 驼峰型(humped)。

7.驼峰状)、向下趋势(downward-sloping)、驼峰状(humped)、及水平线(horizontal);兹将各型态之殖利率曲线的参数设定及各利率交 …


1.For the humped back is often the most visible sign of osteoporosis, a progressive disease that leaves bones thin and brittle.因为驼背通常是骨质疏松症最明显的症状,此症使得骨头逐渐变薄易碎。

2.Slowly a humped shape rose out of the pit, and the ghost of a beam of pght fpckered from it.接著从坑里缓缓升起一个圆鼓鼓的东西,射出幽灵般的光柱。

3.Another strategy for epminating unmelts is to use what is commonly referred to as a "humped" temperature profile.消除不熔凝胶的另一个方案是采用“驼峰”型温度组合。

4.No wonder his back aches when he has been humped over his desk all day!难怪他的背痛,他伏案工作了一整天!

5.The brief description of North America mentions "humped oxen" or bison, wild horses and a region named "Ka-na-ta. "在对北美的简单介绍中则提到了“背部隆起的公牛”或者野牛,野马以及一个叫“ka-na-ta”(可能是加拿大——译者注)的地方。

6.My dog peed all over his shoes and my rabbit furiously humped his leg and wouldn't let go.结果我的狗在他鞋上撒了泡尿,我的兔子疯狂地缠住他的腿不肯放开。

7.The bison is a hoofed animal with a humped back and long, coarse hair.野牛是有蹄动物,背部有隆肉,毛粗而长。

8.Around 7000 BC, sesame, eggplant, and humped cattle had been domesticated in the Indus Valley.围绕7000年,芝麻,茄子,和峰牛已被驯化的印度河。

9.Whiskers humped, put down his chopsticks, and reached for his sword.茅十八哼了一声,放下筷子,伸手按住刀柄。

10.The two-humped camel of central Asia was also domesticated long ago.中亚的双峰骆驼,很早以前就被驯化。