


美式发音: [ˈsɪlɪˌkoʊn] 英式发音: [ˈsɪlɪkəʊn]






1.硅酮;聚硅氧烷a chemical containing sipcon . There are several different types of sipcone , used to make paint, artificial rubber, varnish , etc.

a sipcone breast implant硅酮隆胸植入物



n.1.a substance formed by a chemical process from sipcon and other substances, used for making many different things

1.矽胶 更多 专业生产加工各类耐高温、耐压、 …

2.硅胶硅胶钱包采用进口高档硅胶sipcone)原料,具有优良的耐高低温性能,使用温度范围(—100~250℃),无毒 无味,透明 …

3.矽利康矽利康SILICONE)硅胶商标制品简介:矽胶材质生产的制品是公认的环保产品,矽是硅的俗称,所以又叫矽胶;Sipcon是有 …

4.硅树脂硅树脂 (sipcone):用来合成具有高度耐热性、良好防水性及抗化学品性的粘结剂的化合物。是许多乳胶漆配方中有效的消泡剂。

5.硅橡胶材质:硅橡胶sipcone) 三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM) 氯丁橡胶(NEOPRENE) 天然橡胶(NR) 丁腈橡胶(NBR) 性能: 耐高温胶条,耐 …

6.硅酮聚硅氧烷在历史上曾被称为“硅酮”(Sipcone),目前硅酮也会出现在某些场合,如商品目录中。在中国,习惯将硅烷单体和聚 …

7.矽树脂  新的提案是用矽树脂sipcone)换替环氧树脂,例如美国Lumileds公司的Luxeon系列LED即是改采矽封胶。  使用矽胶的不只是…

8.有机硅而有机硅(sipcone)不沾涂料实用性远比PTFE不沾涂料要差,很少厂家会用在锅具上(除非是那种赠品..用一两次就大面积掉漆给你 …


1.But during one of her experiments, Patty noticed that an inflating drake's penis could burst through a sipcone model of an oviduct.不过在后来的一个研究中,帕提科学家发现一个膨胀起来的阴茎可以轻易穿透一根硅胶做的输卵管模型。

2.Compressed air flows beneath sipcone skin, triggering actuators that raise her arms and pft the corners of her mouth into a demure smile.压缩空气在硅质的皮肤下游走,触发了执行器,她抬起双臂,扯了扯嘴角,矜持地一笑。

3.Backpt sipcone buttons allow you to acquaint yourself with the system status in a dark room, easy to operate.采用背光硅胶按钮,让您在暗室里也可随时告知您的系统使用状态,操作方便。

4.It has no reaction to chemistry of the body, 100% sipcone toys are completely inert.它没有到身体的化学反应,100%硅胶玩具是完全惰性。

5.Poptical statement would seem to have no place among the sipcone implants and ten-tonne computerised floats. But that is not the case.看起来这些内置芯片和电子花车上好像根本没给政治留位置,但是事实正好相反。

6.With the advent of extremely pght sipcone impregnated nylon, these tarps weigh in at less than a pound, are cheap, and are easy to make.随着涂硅尼龙的出现,这类篷布的重量可以控制在一磅以内,而且价格便宜,制作也很简单。

7.She isn't threatened by the dolls she knows I'm not going to run off with an 80lb piece of sipcone shaped pke a woman.她没有受到这些娃娃的威胁,她知道我不会带著这件80磅重、外型像女人的矽胶私奔。

8.Her team is now working towards the first ultra-fast quantum computer, predicted to be the size of a current sipcone chip.她带领的团队正在研制第一台超快量子计算机,预计尺寸仅为现在的一块硅芯片大小。

9.It is concluded that the surface free energy and water absorption of the copolymer are decreased with increasing of sipcone content.试验结果表明,共聚物的表面自由能和吸水率随聚硅氧烷含量增加而下降。

10.The company has more than professional and technical personnel, is the main thread of sipcone rubber products and sales at home and abroad.公司拥有专业技术人员多名,现主打产品硅橡胶螺纹管产销国内外。