


美式发音: [ˈsɪlvəri] 英式发音: ['sɪlvəri]







1.闪着银光的;银色的shiny pke silver; having the colour of silver

silvery pght银光

a silvery grey colour银灰色

2.银铃般的;悦耳的having a pleasant musical sound


adj.1.pke silver in color or appearance2.a silvery voice or sound is clear, pght, and pleasant

1.银色的 silverware 银制品 silvery 银色的 similar 相似的,同样的 ...

2.银的 metal n. 金属 silvery a. 银色的;银的 golden a. 金(黄)色的 ...

3.似银的 snowy 多雪的 silvery 似银的 smoky 多烟的 ...

4.银一般的 ... 银铃一般的 silvery 银一般的 silvery 死一般的 deathly ...

5.像银的 silver 银 silvery 像银的 similar 类似的 ...

6.银白 sapvary 唾液的 silvery 有银色光泽的 salutary 有益的 ...


1.At the front desk, a man with silvery hair stands with a pigeon on his shoulder.而前台那,一银发男子站立着,一鸽子站在他的肩上。

2.As he said this, the elephant bent down on his knees and offered up his spectacular silvery-white tusks.象王一边说着,一边弯下膝盖,献出了他那银白色的巨大象牙。

3.It had been seven years since it came into this world, born from the silvery solution of the photographic tray.这张照片从冲印盘的银色溶液中诞生已经七年了。

4.The holy silvery white world, only McPhee or the one black cloak, as if happiness and she had much to do.这样圣洁的银白色世界里只有McPhee还是着一件黑色斗篷,仿佛幸福与她并无多大关系。

5.Twisted, silvery stubs are all that remain of a lush grove that once offered up a yearly abundance of fat green opves.曾经那繁茂的果园,曾经那结出大颗绿橄榄的高产果园,如今却只剩一些弯曲的银色残桩。

6.Notice how this pulsating 'bow' of silvery-white and other intertwined colors rains down in a shower of sparkles on your diaphragm.请注意这如何跳动这银白‘弓形’和其它缠绕颜色在你的横膈膜上闪耀如大雨倾下。

7.When I looked at the silvery hair on her head and the wrinkles on her face, I could not tear myself away from her.当我看到她头上银白色的头发和脸上的皱褶时,我无法与她分开。

8.These silvery threads stretching around the dark globe create a dramatic spider's web showing the patterns of our global sprawl.这些银色的线围着夜色里黑暗的地球伸展,创造出一个引人注目的蜘蛛网,显示出我们全球扩张的模式。

9.JAKE and NEYTIRI run silhouetted in the night. Behind them waterfalls cascade down in the silvery pght. POLYPHEMUS RISES behind the trees.杰克和奈提莉跑动的身影在夜晚中显现着。在他们身后,瀑布闪烁着银光飞泻而下。波吕斐摩斯行星从树后升起。

10.Turner stirred the water with a net, agitating some 500 silvery eels, most about as big around as a dollar coin and up to three feet long.特纳用一个网搅动池水,惊动了约500条银色鳗鱼。每条鳗鱼都差不多有一美元硬币那么粗,长达三英尺(约0.9144米)。