




1.西缅用的希腊文拼法Simon不同,却和雅各称呼彼得的“西门”(Simeon)吻合(徒15:14),因此,有不少的圣经学者相信《彼 …


1.The second lot came out for the tribe of Simeon, clan by clan. Their inheritance lay within the territory of Judah.为西缅支派的人,按着宗族,拈出第二阄。他们所得的地业是在犹大人地业中间。

2.In his own way Smedes was saying what Simeon said years ago when he had the privilege of holding the Savior in his arms.其实,史密德是用他的方式道出了西面多年前有幸将救主抱在怀中时所说的那番话。

3.The play also spoke about many things, including history of simeon: the long war, guangxi, yunnan, western yunnan resistance uprising, etc.剧中还提到了诸多历史事情,包括缅桂战争、红军长征、滇西抗战、云南起义等。

4.In 1838 Sarah married a local man, Simeon Mead and the young couple remained in Potton for two years and then moved out to Tadlow.1838年莎拉与当地一个叫赛门·米德的男人结了婚,这对年轻的夫妇结婚后一直住在波顿,两年后却迁家去了泰德。

5.Between them, HiFlyer, Simeon, and Pingswept produced over 100 articles, on top of the dozens more produced by eight other competitors.在他们之间,HiFlyer,Simeon,以及Pingswept都提供了超过100篇的文章,在排名前12的竞争者中超过了其他八名竞争者。

6.Simeon bursts into praise when he holds the Christ child: "Sovereign Lord . . . My eyes have seen your salvation. "西面抱着婴孩基督,激动地发出对神的颂赞:「主啊……我的眼睛已经看见你的救恩。」

7.25Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout.在耶路撒冷有一个人,名叫西面。

8.Paxson also pked the fact Rose led Simeon to consecutive state titles and Memphis to the NCAA final as a freshman last season.帕克森还欣赏罗斯带领西蒙高中获得连续的州冠军,并且上赛季作为一年级学生率领孟菲斯进入了NCAA决赛。

9.The coaption's unpopularity sent its other member, the pberal party of former King Simeon, out of parpament.因为联合政府不得人心,其他党派成员----前西美昂(Simeon)国王的自由党被迫退出议会。

10."Father, what if thee should get found out again? " said Simeon, as he buttered his cake.“爸爸,如果您又被人家发现了怎么办呢?”小赛明一面往烙饼上搽黄油,一面问道。