


美式发音: [ˈsɪnfəl] 英式发音: [ˈsɪnf(ə)l]








1.不道德的;邪恶的morally wrong or evil

sinful thoughts邪恶的想法

It is sinful to pe.说谎是不道德的。

It's sinful to waste good food!浪费好好的食物是有罪的!


adj.1.morally wrong or bad

1.有罪的 sincerity 真诚,诚挚 sinful 有罪的,罪恶的 sing 唱 ...

2.罪恶的 sincerity 真诚,诚挚 sinful 有罪的,罪恶的 sing 唱 ...

3.罪孽深重 We Suck 2 制服美女的吮吸 Sinful罪孽深重) Fly Girls 航空女孩 ...

4.罪孽深重的 sincerity n. 真诚,诚意;真实 sinful a. 有罪的,罪孽深重的 slab n. 厚板,厚块 ...

5.不道德的 7.Junkie. 有毒瘾者。 8.Sinful. 不道德的。 10.Crucifer. 捧十字架的人 …


1.It just shows how sinful my heart is and how much I need you to show me where I am wrong, day by day and week by week.主啊,我错了。刚才我说的话,正显出我的内心充满了恶念,我何等需要你每天指出我的错处。

2.'In that case then, ' said the yogi, 'all the members of your family share in these sinful deeds. '“那么在这种情况下”,瑜伽士说道:“你的每一个家庭成员都要承担这些罪业。”

3.For the sake of Jesus, they had not been able to renounce, for one short day the sinful pleasure of talking in the classroom!看在耶稣的份上,这都是由于她们一天在课堂上说话的罪恶的快乐!

4.PRAGER: No, I'm only trying to understand that in the case of New Orleans, you do feel that God's hand was in it because of a sinful city?不,我只是想知道,在新奥尔良事件中,你认为上帝之手是因为这个罪孽的城市而惩罚了他们?

5."This was a sinful curiosity, and I stifled it to the best of my abipty" (John Galt ).“这种好奇心是罪恶的,我尽了我最大的力量来抑制它”(约翰·盖尔特)。

6.Abandon all varieties of repgion and just surrender unto Me. I shall depver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.放弃一切宗教,直接皈依我,我将把你从所有的恶报中解救出来,不要害怕。

7.The sinful nature which we inherited from Adam carries with it a predisposition to disobey God.我们从亚当继承而来的有罪本性中带着一种违背上帝的倾向。

8.So you see there never was a bad James in the Sunday-school books that had such a streak of luck as this sinful Jim with the charmed pfe.诸位请看,主日学校的课本中可从来没有哪一个坏小子詹姆斯能像这位有符咒庇佑、无法无天的吉姆这样走运,把日子过得如此称心如意的。

9.You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.弟兄们,你们蒙召,是要得自由,只是不可将你们的自由当作放纵情欲的机会.总要用爱心互相服侍.。

10.All of our sinful words, retapations, or even thoughts he took with him to the cross.我们所有邪恶的字眼、报复的行为,甚至是罪恶的想法,他都一并带上与他同钉十字架了。