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n.1.a title adopted as a surname by a Sikh boy when he is initiated at puberty into the fraternity of warriors

1.辛格 ... Sinead 仁慈的 女性 爱尔兰 Singh 狮子 男性 印度 Sinjon 圣约翰 男性 法国 ...

4.总理辛吉 ... 辛赖霍娃 Sinnreichova 辛赫 singh 辛辛纳特斯 Cincinnatus ...

6.总理辛赫」,一般人的心态是中六合彩头奖「越少人知越好」,但印度裔的阿星Singh)却主动公告天下,成为本港极少数接受访问 …


1.Mr Singh narrowly won the parpamentary vote, which had been called over a controversial civil-nuclear deal with the United States.辛格在议会投票中险胜,这次投票是表决颇有争议的印美民用核能合作协议。

2.The BJP on Monday said Mr Singh's term had been a disappointment, "devoid of any achievement" .人民党周一表示,辛格的任期令人失望,“没有任何成就”。

3.Mr Singh made administrative reform apriority when he took office in 2004, and he duly set up a commission to lookinto it.Singh先生在2004年就职时将行政改革视为优先事务,并循例成立了一个委员会来进行研究。

4.Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he was "very saddened" and promised to channel "emotions and energies" into a course of action.印度总理曼莫汉·辛格说,他对这起事件感到“非常痛心”,并且承诺要引导公众的“情绪和力量”转变成实际行动。

5.On Friday, Mr. Singh's parents visited him in jail, the brother said, and he appeared to be calm.他表示,辛格的父母上周五曾去监狱探望,他那时表现平静。

6.And Mr Singh's resistance to calls for an attack on Pakistan after the Mumbai bombings did not emerge as an election issue.孟买爆炸案发生后有人呼吁打击巴基斯坦,辛格对此采取反对立场,这点没有成为选举的争论点。

7.Singh welcomed the U. S. decision, saying that "This shows that the two countries increasing trust and confidence. "辛格对美国的这一决定表示欢迎,认为“这显示了两国不断增加的信任和信心”。

8.Indian Defence Production Secretary R. K. Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages.印度国防生产部长R.K。辛格说,成本将分阶段计算得出。

9.Mr Singh was one of a stream of Congress stalwarts bearing bouquets at the weekend for "Madam" , as Mrs Gandhi is know within the party.辛格是上周末一连串为“夫人”——这是索尼娅•甘地在党内的称号——送上花束的忠诚国大党人之一。

10.The push comes at a time Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government is trying to seal a civil nuclear fuel agreement with the United States.这个倡议是在辛格政府试图和美国达成一项民用核燃料协议的同时提出的。