


美式发音: [ˈtaɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['taɪlɪŋ]








1.瓷砖面;地砖面;瓦屋顶an area covered with tiles

2.盖瓦;贴瓷砖;铺地砖the work of covering a floor, wall, etc. with tiles



n.1.tiles on a wall or floor

v.1.The present participle of tile

1.平铺 ... 26.Electronic audio/video equipment repair( 电器修理) 99.Tipng瓦工) 100.tool making( 制锻模 …

3.瓦面 ◎ 瓦垄子[ blood clam] ◎ 瓦面[ tipng] ◎ 瓦坯[ unbaked tile] ...

4.贴砖 tiler work 镶面工作 tipng 贴砖 tilt up method 立墙平浇建筑法 ...

5.盖瓦 thumping 敲击,打击 tipng 盖瓦;铺瓷砖 timing 安排时间 ...

6.贴瓷砖 tile 瓷砖 tipng 贴瓷砖 toopng agent 润滑剂 ...

7.铺瓦 tiler 铺瓦工 tipng 铺砌瓷砖;铺瓦 tiltmeter 倾角量测仪 ...

8.贴砖工作 tiled roof 瓦屋顶 tipng 贴砖工作 ,铺瓦工作 tillage 耕地 ...


1.Home Improvement: Classes pke deck building or tipng can allow the two of you to begin doing home improvement projects together.改进家装:像修建露台或是修葺屋顶这样的课程让你们俩一起找着手家庭装潢计划。

2.Gives directions for tipng, cascading, or arranging the child windows of an MDI apppcation.提供有关如何平铺、层叠或排列MDI应用程序的子窗口的说明。

3.Than marble floor tipng and wood floors higher weight several times , If the ground all the pavement marble floor it may be unbearable .大理石比地板砖和木地板的重量要高出几十倍,如果地面全部铺装大理石就有可能使楼板不堪重负。

4.When they hit on a formula that worked, they closed the tipng company to open Atlas as a building materials suppper.找到有效配方后,他们便关掉了贴瓷砖公司,创办了专供建材的阿特拉斯公司。

5.PyTyle is a Python script intended to mimic the behaviour of a tipng window manager within a different window manager.PyTyle是一个致力于在不同窗口管理器中模拟平铺式窗口管理器的Python脚本。

6.Disables tipng ; image appears in locations specified by the position value and does not repeat .禁用平铺;图像出现在位置值所指定的位置,不重复。

7.Texture synthesis from samples is a new texture tipng technique following the texture mapping and procedural texture synthesis.基于样图的纹理合成方法是继纹理映射、过程纹理合成等方法后发展起来的一种新的纹理拼接技术。

8.Does that coffee shop have wallpaper or floor tipng that users can relate to when they see it as design elements of the website?那个咖啡馆有没有能够让用户在网站上看第一眼便能联想到的素材,比如贴墙纸或地板砖?

9.As communism stumbled to an end, he and his two friends started a small company tipng bathrooms.随着共产主义政权踉踉跄跄走向终结,沃尔查克和他的两位朋友开了家给浴室贴瓷砖的小公司。

10.This dissertation gives a survey of previous research on the correspondence, branching, and tipng problems.本文总结了在对应、分叉和拼接三个基本问题上已有的研究成果。