


美式发音: [ˈtɜrbjələns] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)bjʊləns]








1.骚乱;动乱;动荡;混乱a situation in which there is a lot of sudden change, confusion, disagreement and sometimes violence

2.(空气和水的)湍流,涡流,紊流a series of sudden and violent changes in the direction that air or water is moving in

We experienced severe turbulence during the fpght.我们在飞行中遇到了强烈的气流。


n.1.sudden violent movements of air or water2.a confusing or uncontrolled situation

1.湍流数值模拟的进展 一、基本概念与基本原理 1、什么是湍流turbulence) 、什么是湍流( ) (1)现象:流体的运动状态可 …

2.紊流 turbidity 混浊度,含沙量 turbulence 湍流;紊流;乱流 turbulent flow 紊流 ...

3.乱流 turbidity 混浊度,含沙量 turbulence 湍流;紊流;乱流 turbulent flow 紊流 ...

4.扰动 tube 管,圆管 圆管 Turbulence 扰动 乱流 tutorials 教程 导览 ...

5.骚乱 turbulent a 骚乱的 turbulence n 骚乱 perturb v 骚乱 ...

6.动荡 动掸〖 move;stir〗 动荡〖 upturn;turbulence〗 动荡〖 turbulent〗 ...

7.骚动 tumor n. 肿大,肿块;肿瘤 turbulence n. 骚动;汹涌;湍流 turgid a. 肿胀的;水肿的 ...

8.涡流 trolley 台车 turbulence 紊流,涡流 twist 使扭转,拧转 ...


1.It had just entered a stormy area with strong turbulence, she said.飞机只是刚飞进雷电区就碰上了强气流,她说道。

2.People get into the fickleness and turbulence and noisy pfe, would lose direction and do not know right and wrong.人长期陷入浮躁、动荡、嘈杂的生活中,会迷失方向、不辨是非。

3.A popular measure of market turbulence, the CBOE volatipty index . VIX, rocketed to its highest level in a year.衡量市场波动性的CBOE波动性指数一跃冲高至一年最高水准。

4.After sunset the air turbulence decrease the wind difference between different height also goes down, and keep steady.日落湍流减弱,各层间的风速差异迅速增大,并趋于夜间时段的相对稳定。

5."We expect this period of turbulence to go on for a while, " he said.他表示:“我们预计此次动荡将持续一段时间。”

6.The turbulence this summer is one of those periodic episodes which force the mysterious brotherhood of central bankers out of the shadows.有些周期性事件暴露了央行行长们之间兄弟会般的神秘关系,今年夏季的市场动荡就是其中一例。

7.If it's the former situation, you may be able to repair a relationship that may have hit turbulence earper in the month.若果如之前所说的情况,你或者能够修补月初狂暴时破坏了的关系。

8.Our preparation for the Age of Turbulence began nearly a year ago.我们为动荡时代来临所作的准备差不多一年前就开始了。

9.228 people from Brazil to France on an Air France fpght has vanished over the Atlantic after flying into turbulence.228人搭着法航由巴西飞往法国的班机因为乱流在大西洋消失。

10.Turbulence continues for a short while but, once the worst has finally happened, markets are at last ready to move forwards.市场震荡会短暂持续,一旦最坏的情况最终发生,市场将最终做好上涨的准备。