


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌhɔl] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌhɔːl]




第三人称单数:overhauls  现在分词:overhaupng  过去式:overhauled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.overhaul system,overhaul structure

v.fall behind




1.检修;大修;改造an examination of a machine or system, including doing repairs on it or making changes to it

a complete/major overhaul彻底检修;大修

A radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.有必要彻底改革税制。


1.~ sth彻底检修to examine every part of a machine, system, etc. and make any necessary changes or repairs

The engine has been completely overhauled.发动机已彻底检修过了。

2.~ sb赶上,超过(赛跑对手)to come from behind a person you are competing against in a race and go past them

He managed to overhaul the leader on the final lap.他在最后一圈发力超过了领先的选手。



v.1.to take apart and repair a machine in order to make it work better; to completely change a system in order to make it work more effectively

n.1.a thorough repair to a machine; a complete change to a system that is intended to make it work more effectively

1.大修 大熊座〖 UrsaMajor;theGreatBearConstellation〗 大修overhaul〗 大选〖 generalelection〗 ...

2.检修 检修 maintenace 检修 overhaul 检修人孔 access point ...

3.彻底检查 overfulfill 超额完成 overhaul 彻底检查,大修 overhead 在头上;在空中 ...

4.翻修 254 溢流管 overflow pipe 255 翻修,大修 overhaul 257 超载替续器 overload relay ...

5.仔细检查 overhead a. 在头顶上的; overhaul v. 大修,仔细检查 overhear vt. (有意或无意地)听到,偷听 ...

6.彻底检修 overthrow 推翻 overhaul 彻底检修 paleozoology n. 古动物学 ...

7.大检修 Oven 炉 Overhaul 大检修 PPatch 修补,补炉 ...


1.During the campaign, Barack Obama said he would consider an overhaul or "complete repeal" of the merit pay system.巴拉克。奥巴马说他可能会考虑全面更新绩效评奖系统或者“完全废除”。

2.But he and other U. S. officials said the overhaul of the world's financial framework must not restrict the flow of trade and investment.但他和其他美国官员说,世界金融框架的全面改革绝不能限制贸易和投资的流动。

3.Yes, I 'd rather you keep it a few days and give it a thorough overhaul .是的,这宁可把它在你这儿放几天,给它彻底检修一下。

4.It would be appropriate to completely overhaul the stakeholder goals document at the beginning of the next release.这将会在下一次迭代的开始对这个涉众的目标文档进行彻底修改。

5.As part of its store overhaul, it had removed thousands of products from its shelves.作为全面革新的一部分,它从货架上撤掉了数千种商品。

6.Only the most reactionary forces in Obama's own party would demand that he stop trying to overhaul the contemptuous culture of the capital.只有奥巴马自己党内的极端倒退势力才会要求他停止修正华盛顿傲慢文化的步伐。

7.Passengers have said the plane landed after, staff began to overhaul the aircraft left engine cover is opened.有乘客称,飞机降落后,工作人员开始检修,飞机左侧发动机盖被打开。

8.Such a major curriculum overhaul is usually met with some resistance.对课程进行如此重大的改革通常都是会遇到一些抵制的。

9.Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan said the overhaul was "only one piece of a broader strategy to help the housing market. "美国住房和城市发展部长杜诺文指出,该计划“只是拯救美国楼市总体战略的一部分。”

10.This fall, the company hired a new general counsel and chief comppance officer as part of a broader overhaul of its comppance system.今年秋季,该公司雇请了新的法律顾问及首席执法长,这是对其遵纪守法体系进行全面改革的组成部分。