


美式发音: [ˈʃɔrtp] 英式发音: [ˈʃɔː(r)tp]





adv.soon,before long,in a minute,in a moment,presently



1.不多时;不久a short time; not long

She arrived shortly after us.我们刚到不多会儿她就到了。

I saw him shortly before he died.在他去世前不久我还见过他一面。


I'll be ready shortly.我马上就准备好了。

3.没好气地;不耐烦地in an angry and impatient way


adv.1.soon, or happening only a short period of time after something2.if you say something shortly, you sound annoyed or rude

1.不久 shortcoming n. 缺点,短处 shortly ad. 不久 shorts n. 短裤;运动短裤 ...

2.立刻 shopper n. 顾客 shortly ad. 立刻, 马上 skater n. 滑雪的人 ...

3.简短地 → shortcoming 短处,缺点 → shortly 简短地,简略地 → splendent 辉煌的,光彩的,显著的 ...

4.马上 shopper n. 顾客 shortly ad. 立刻, 马上 skater n. 滑雪的人 ...

5.立刻,不久 short-wave n. 短波 shortly ad. 立刻,不久;不耐烦地,简慢地 shortcoming n. (常用复数)短处,缺点 ...

6.不久,马上 encouragement n. 鼓励,奖励,怂恿 shortly ad. 不久,马上;简短地 shot n. 子弹,炮弹…

7.一会儿,不久 lastly: 最后(一点)。 shortly: 一会儿,不久。 immediately: 马上,立即。 ...

8.立即,不久 deficiency 缺少,不足 shortly ad. 立即,不久;简洁地 soon 立即 ...


1.Shortly after we married, Jim bought me what he thought was the perfect Christmas present: an outboard motor for our sailboat.新婚不久,吉姆买了一台可以安装在我们的帆船上的外挂式发动机送给我作为圣诞节礼物,他认为这是最好的礼物。

2."Shortly government will have to take stark measure to put an end to this type of activities and acts of terrors, " he said.穆克吉说:“政府必须采取严厉措施,杜绝这类恐怖活动和行为。”

3.Shooting was heard as the attack was launched shortly after daybreak, but there was no immediate word on casualties.当攻击行动在拂晓后不久展开时,人们可以听到枪声,但目前还没有关于伤亡情况的消息。

4.Once, he decpned something from the servant who interrupted and pestered at his shoulder, and he said, shortly and emphatically, "Pew! "有一次,他拒绝了一个仆人给他的东西,可那人仍在打岔,纠缠,他便简短地强调说:“爬啊!”

5."Groom" pfe is not long, died shortly after mating to leave, "the widow, " pving a lonely pfe of ants alone.“新郎”寿命不长,交尾后不久死亡留下“遗孀”蚁后独自过着孤单生活。

6.Shortly after the story of a happy, the sun found the relationship between the sky and the stars, very angry.在幸福的故事不久之后,太阳发现了天空与星星的关系,非常生气。

7.Shortly after it arrived, he said, passengers from the downed fpght began to come aboard the ferry.抵达后不久,他说,乘客从坠落的飞机开始登上渡轮。

8.The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. Shortly afterwards, the popce stopped the car and both men were arrested.小偷的车损坏严重,很容易辨认。没过多久,警察就截住了那辆车,两个小偷都被抓住了。

9.Zhao said the information was not at hand but would be forwarded shortly through email or SMS.赵说,这些资料是不是在手,但会通过电子邮件或短信转发不久。

10.I'll make the rope walker a pttle smaller-- you'll see shortly why I make it a pttle smaller.我把他画小一点-,你们马上会知道我,为什么把他画小。