



美式发音: [ˈpenʃ(ə)nər] 英式发音: [ˈpenʃ(ə)nə(r)]



复数:pensioners  同义词

n.retiree,senior citizen,senior,OAP



n.1.someone who receives a pension

1.退休领养老金的人 languishes 衰弱无力 pensioners 退休领养老金的人 babysitting 照看孩子 ...

2.领退休金者 action 行动 pensioners 领退休金者 miles 英里 ...

3.退休军官绰号,不过其实在1905年到1952年,切尔西还有退休军官Pensioners)这样的绰号,而且在切尔西的队服中,这已经不是 …

4.领退休金的人 6.ship-based 坐船旅游 7.pensioners 领退休金的人 8.snorkepng trip 潜水运动 ...

5.退席人员 cattle 家牛 pensioners 退席人员 was initially dismissive 最初不以为然 ...


1."Pensioners have no voice and are left to survive on a meagre allowance each week that most people would never manage on, " he said.「退休老人没有声音,被迫每周靠著微薄的退休金维生,多数人光靠这点钱绝对没办法生活,」他说。

2.AN unidentified man is lurking about Cyprus with a partner trying to scam pensioners for hundreds of euros.一个身份不明的人是潜伏关于塞浦路斯与合作伙伴努力为几百欧元诈骗退休。

3.pensioners ready to die firing a shotgun at the enemy "as long as I take one with me" .退休的老人拿着鸟枪向敌人开火,「只要能杀一个陪葬」就死也甘心。

4."United, proletarians around the world, " was one of the slogans the pensioners chanted.这些退休人员呼喊的口号之一是:全世界无产者联合起来。

5.Pensioners and famipes are to be given one-off payments of up to (US)$1, 300, to help fuel consumer demand.领养老金的人和家庭会受到一次性支付的高达1,300美元,帮助他解决燃料消耗问题。

6.Happy for a place to be out of the cold, some have the glazed look of pensioners playing slots at Las Vegas.这些人乐得有一个地方避寒,其中有些人眼神放光,就像在拉斯维加斯玩老虎机的美国退休者。

7.Some of Northern Ireland's most vulnerable pensioners have had to endure the recent freeze without their cold weather payments.在北爱尔兰一些处于最脆弱状态的老年人已经等到天长地久才收到他们所谓的“寒冷天气的补助金”。

8.Many poor pensioners do not claim the tax credits to which they are entitled, partly because of the system's opacity.很多贫穷的养老金领取者不申领他们该得的税收抵免的资金,部分原因是体制过于模糊。

9.Across the rich world the supply of workers is about to slow as the number of pensioners rises.发达国家的工人供应即将变缓,而退休工人的数目却将上升。

10.But in Shanghai, China's capital of chic, pensioners in their nighties have always been part of the scene.但是在上海,中国的时尚之都,身着睡衣的退休者们却永远是这城市抹不掉的风景。