


美式发音: [rɪˈtriv] 英式发音: [rɪˈtriːv]




第三人称单数:retrieves  现在分词:retrieving  过去式:retrieved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.retrieve information,retrieve situation,retrieve document


v.save,get back,recover,regain,repossess



1.取回;索回to bring or get sth back, especially from a place where it should not be

She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor.她弯腰从地板上捡起她的梳子。

The popce have managed to retrieve some of the stolen money.警方已经追回了部分被盗钱款。

2.检索数据to find and get back data or information that has been stored in the memory of a computer

to retrieve information from the database从数据库检索资料

The program allows you to retrieve items quickly by searching under a keyword.这个程序通过关键词进行搜索,能让你迅速获取数据项。

3.~ sth扭转颓势;挽回;找回to make a bad situation better; to get back sth that was lost

You can only retrieve the situation by apologizing.你只有道歉才能挽回这个局面。

v.1.取回,恢复,挽回(失物,名誉等)2.(猎狗将猎获物)找回;拉回(钩鱼线)3.(从灾难中等)救出,拯救 (from)4.补偿,弥补(损失等);更正(错误等)5.想起(忘记的事情)6.(猎狗)找回猎获物;拉回钩鱼线,恢复;精神恢复1.取回,恢复,挽回(失物,名誉等)2.(猎狗将猎获物)找回;拉回(钩鱼线)3.(从灾难中等)救出,拯救 (from)4.补偿,弥补(损失等);更正(错误等)5.想起(忘记的事情)6.(猎狗)找回猎获物;拉回钩鱼线,恢复;精神恢复


v.1.to get something back, especially something that is not easy to find2.to save or protect something that is going to be lost, damaged, or destroyed; to improve a situation or relationship that has been damaged3.to find information that is stored in a computer in order to use it again4.if a dog retrieves something, it finds it and brings it back to you, for example a ball that you have thrown or a bird that you have shot1.to get something back, especially something that is not easy to find2.to save or protect something that is going to be lost, damaged, or destroyed; to improve a situation or relationship that has been damaged3.to find information that is stored in a computer in order to use it again4.if a dog retrieves something, it finds it and brings it back to you, for example a ball that you have thrown or a bird that you have shot

1.检索 2.3.3 Update: 更新 2.3.2 Retrieve: 检索 2.3.4 Delete: 删除 ...

2.取回 tally: 记录,清点的总数 retrieve: 取回 buyback: 回购 ...

3.挽回 design 设计 retrieve 挽回 develop 开发,发挥 ...

4.恢复 Hold Reject: 保持拒绝 Retrieve恢复 Retrieve Acknowledge: 恢复确认 ...

5.找回 identical: 相同的 retrieve: 找回,检索 pepperoni: 意大利腊香肠 ...

6.收回 retrieve 检索收回 retrieve 捞回;收回;挽回 retriever boat 救援船 ...

7.重新得到 retreat v. 撤退;退却 n.撤退,退却 retrieve v. 重新得到;挽救;恢复 retrograde a. 后退的;退行性的;逆行 …

8.取回,挽回 retort vi. 反击,反驳 retrieve vt. 取回,挽回;检索 retrospect n. 回顾;追溯 ...


1.His wife, although Miss your legs can no longer stand, but can retrieve the unfortunate fate is in the fortunate.太太,虽说贵小姐的腿再也无法站立,但能捡回命已是不幸中的万幸了。

2.Declares the name of a property, and the property procedures used to store and retrieve the value of the property.声明属性的名称和用于存储和检索属性值的属性过程。

3.The next morning Carmen came to return Zoe's towel and retrieve her clothes. Zoe was just about to leave for school.第二天早晨,卡门来归还佐伊的毛巾并拿回自己的衣服,这时佐伊正要去学校。

4.Today I could not log into my account and when I tried to retrieve my password the system told me that my email was not in the database.今天我不能登陆我的帐号而且当我尝试取回密码时系统告诉我我的邮件地址不在数据库中。

5.His search ended when he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck.他找来找去,真给他找到了一条能在水面上行走捡野鸭的。

6.If such a method is found, a new DirectTypeGetter is returned to directly retrieve the value.如果找到那样一个方法,则返回一个新的DirectTypeGetter,以直接获取值。

7.Perhaps it had been the boat's fault, but she made no effort to retrieve it.也许该怪船吧?可她没打算纠正,只一味轻轻靠在他肩上。

8.If you want all attributes from the element, use the Attributes property of the element to retrieve all the attributes into a collection.如果您需要一个元素中的所有属性,可使用该元素的Attributes属性将所有属性检索到一个集合中。

9.Melody seems to act as a path or a cue to evoke the precise information we are trying to retrieve.音乐似乎作为路径或暗示要让你精确的信息我们正试图挽回了。

10.If you retrieve the value by means of the table's row index or column index, you will not be able to set the return value.如果您通过表的行索引或列索引检索值,将无法设置返回值。