



美式发音: [ski] 英式发音: [skiː]





复数:skis  过去式:skied  过去分词:ski'd  现在分词:skiing  



1.滑雪板one of a pair of long narrow pieces of wood, metal or plastic that you attach to boots so that you can move smoothly over snow

a pair of skis一副滑雪板


1.[obn]滑雪的connected with the sport of skiing

ski boots滑雪靴

the ski slopes滑雪坡

v.— see alsoskiing,waterski

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)滑雪(运动)to move over snow on skis , especially as a sport

2.[i]滑雪(作为娱乐)to spend time skiing for pleasure

We went skiing in France in March.三月份我们去法国滑雪了。



n.1.a long thin object that you attach to your boot so that you can spde easily over snow2.a long thin piece of metal on the bottom of a vehicle that lets it move over snow

v.1.to spde over snow on skis, as a sport or as a way of travepng

1.滑雪板 saddle 鞍 skis 滑雪板 soccerball 英式足球 ...

2.滑雪屐 其它圣诞节用品 Other articles for Christmas festivities 滑雪屐 Skis 其它滑雪设备 Other snow-ski equipment ...

3.滑雪橇 normally adv. 正常地, 通常地 skis n. 滑雪橇 raises raisesn. 举起,加薪,增加v.举起,扬起,建造,饲养 ...

4.滑雪双板和 ... Snowboard 滑雪单板,或 Skis 滑雪双板和 Helmet 头盔、 ...


1.Let the movements from side to side to decide how much your skis will turn.从一边滑到另一边,以掌握雪板的转动量。

2.He said the Iranians could even mount attacks with special operators aboard jet skis carrying rocket-propelled grenades.他还说伊朗甚至还准备了由特工进行攻击的携带火箭弹的喷气滑水撬。

3.STEP 2: Prepare to cross your Skis as you reach the pp. Incpne your head back when you take off as if you are looking skyward .第二步:接近跳点的时候准备将雪板交叉。将头部像后倾,就好像你在仰望天空一样。

4.His skis crossed and he sat down in a most undignified manner.他的滑雪板交叉在一起坐下时,姿势很不雅观。

5.There was one stipulation: The money was strictly for pleasure--a vacation, music lessons, or a new pair of skis.有一个限制:这笔钱被严格用于娱乐活动,如渡假、听音乐讲座或购买新滑雪板。他的慷慨给我们树立了标准。

6.Scott, a captain in the British navy, took four compatriots with him, along with skis, food, water and a team of supply ponies.斯科特是不列颠海军的一位舰长,他带了四位同伴,还有雪橇、食物、水以及一队拉补给品的小马。

7.Keep a good distance between your skis, so you have room enough to work with both skis, and move your body up-and-down in a rhythmic motion.两雪板间要保持适当的距离,以留出足够的动作空间,身体同时有节奏地上下起伏。

8.I know she'll eventually want to do things with her skis that force her to remove the restraint.因为我知道将来她最终会在滑雪时迫使自己冲破这一束缚。

9.Some nights the desire to head north is so strong I want to get out of my sleeping bag, strap on my skis and get going!有数个夜晚,心中往北走的愿望是如此强烈,我真想爬出睡袋,装上滑雪板,向北出发!

10.Standard water skis were originally made of wood but now are usually constructed out of fiberglassbased composites.标准的水上滑板起初是木制的,但是现在通常是由玻璃纤维合成物构制。