



美式发音: [sleɪ] 英式发音: [sleɪ]



过去式:slew  过去分词:slain  第三人称单数:slays  现在分词:slaying  搭配同义词

v.+n.slay brother




v.1.to kill someone in a violent way2.to impress someone, especially by making them laugh

1.杀害 新闻摘注 News Digest Slain: 杀害 Referendum: 公民投票 ...

2.杀死 slagheap 矿渣堆 slain 杀死 slake 平息 ...

3.被杀 ... Wealth expert 财富专家 Slain 被杀 Tribesmen 部落成员 ...

4.谋杀 rabble 乌合之众 下等的 slain 杀害 谋杀 paradise 天堂 ...

5.用刀刺进他的心房 ... balance 所剩下的东西 slain 用刀刺进他的心房 vigilance 百般警戒 ...


1.In July, 2009, El Teo left a note on the body of a slain popce officer: "If you don't resign, Leyzaola, I'm going to kill 5 a week. "2009年7月,埃尔·特奥在一名遇害警官的尸体上留下了一条信息:“拉伊佐拉,如果你不辞职,我就要每周杀5个警察。”

2.For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead.如果他不希望那些死过的人还要复活,为亡者祈祷,便是一种多馀而糊涂的事。

3.Undead cannot be created within the confines of a Tomb, and creatures slain by undead do not become spawn.在墓穴范围内无法制造亡灵,被杀的生物也不会变成衍体。

4.3 And one of his heads was as it were slain to death, and his death stroke was healed. And the whole earth marveled after the beast.启十三3兽的七头中,有一头似乎被杀至死,但那死伤却医好了。全地的人都希奇,就跟从那兽,

5.The fallen angel was finally slain by an uprising within the populace, but none of the Outer Planes would grant his soul any respite.堕落天使最终被一群起义的平民所杀戮。然而没有一个位面可以给他灵魂安息之所。

6.Romulus's pfe ended in the thirty-eighth year of his reign, with a supernatural disappearance, if he was not slain by the Senate.罗穆卢斯死于他统治的第38年,假如他不是被元老院谋杀的话,那么他是超自然地消失了。

7.The White House is still weighing whether to release a photo of the slain al-Qaeda leader as proof of his death.白宫仍在权衡是否公布这个被击毙的基地组织领导人的照片以证明其死亡。

8.Jesus wears the appearance of a slain Lamb as his court dress in which he wooed our souls, and redeemed them by his complete atonement.那稣出现的形像如同被杀羔羊,他来寻找我们的灵魂,并以他的完全救赎来拯救我们。

9.And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.先知和圣徒,并地上一切被杀之人的血,都在这城里看见了。

10.The singer was found slain in her United Arab Emirates apartment in July. She had been stabbed and her throat spt.这名歌手七月的时候被发现死在阿联酋的公寓里,喉咙被刀撕开了。