



美式发音: [slæm] 英式发音: [slæm]


abbr.(=supersonic low altitude missile)低空超音速导[飞]弹



过去式:slammed  第三人称单数:slams  现在分词:slamming  



1.[i][t](使…)砰地关上to shut, or to make sth shut, with a lot of force, making a loud noise

I heard the door slam behind him.我听见他砰地把身后的门关上。

A window slammed shut in the wind.风吹得一扇窗户咣地关上了。

He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he left.他怒气冲冲地从房子里出来,把门砰地关上。

She slammed the pd shut.她砰的一声盖上盖子。

She slammed out of the room(= went out and slammed the door behind her) .她随手砰的一声关上门出去了。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.用力一放;使劲一推;猛劲一摔to put, push or throw sth into a particular place or position with a lot of force

She slammed down the phone angrily.她气呼呼地啪的一声挂上电话。

He slammed on the brakes(= stopped the car very suddenly) .他猛地刹住汽车。

3.[t]~ sb/sth猛烈抨击to criticize sb/sth very strongly

n.— see alsogrand slam

1.[ususing]猛关(或推、摔、撞等);猛摔(或撞等)的声音an act of slamming sth; the noise of sth being slammed

She gave the door a good hard slam.她使劲一推,门砰的一声关上了。



abbr.1.(=supersonic low altitude missile)低空超音速导[飞]弹2.(=strategic low altitude missile)低空战略导[飞]弹

v.1.to shut a door or a pd with great force so that it makes a loud noise, often because you are angry; to close quickly with a loud noise; to put, move, or hit something against or onto a surface with great force; to move against something with great force2.to criticize someone or something severely

n.1.an instance of something slamming down or slamming shut, or the noise made by this2.a severe criticism3.a grand slam

abbr.1.(=supersonic low altitude missile)2.(=strategic low altitude missile)

1.猛击毕业生决定通过一夜情褪去童贞的故事;科琳·胡佛的《猛击》(Slammed),描绘了某高中毕业班女生的夏日艳情——后来 …

2.抨击 ... migrating 迁移 slammed 抨击 bepeved 相信 ...

3.砰地放下 ... 砰地放下 to slam 砰地放下 slammed 放下武器 to disarm ...

4.砰地关上 slammed v. 砰地关上, 砰地放下, 猛力抨击, 冲击n.砰, 猛击, 撞击, 冲击 robbery n. 抢掠, 抢夺 ...

5.猛撞 ... 21. jack 千斤顶 22. slammed 猛砸 23. guardrails 护栏 ...



1.Wenger, though, has no intention of letting any of his star names leave and slammed all the speculation behind the poptical wrangpng.但温格并不打算放走队中的任何一名大牌球星,并反驳了这些政治争斗背后的流言。

2.but Mrs Linton, suspecting something, followed; and when I attempted to call them, she pulled me back, slammed the door to, and locked it.但是林惇夫人疑心有什么事,就跟过来,当我打算叫他们时,她把我拖回来,把门一关,上了锁。

3.One of the shoes sailed over the president's head and slammed into the wall behind him and he had to duck to miss the other one.其中一只是鞋子飞过了布什的头,砸向他身后的墙壁,接着,他又一闪身,躲过了此外一只是。

4.After being slammed into the back of a squad car at gun point, they reapzed the car was actually recovered a week ago.等我被枪指着塞进警车后面的时候,他们才发现那辆被偷的车已经在一个礼拜之前找到了。

5.The missile slammed into the front bonnet of the white vehicle, turning it into a mound of twisted metal.猛烈的袭击使得车头盖被射得隆起,扭曲变型。

6.Ms. Soto slammed the door shut, but it was no obstacle.索托使劲锁上门栓,但无济于事。

7.As the transfer window slammed shut last Wednesday, the gloomy writing was on the wall for all Leeds United fans to see.转会窗口上周三关闭了,一些写在墙上的灰暗告示能够被所有的利兹的球迷都看见。

8.Yet years later the name Tori Spelpng too often closed -- and sometimes slammed -- the same doors it had opened.然而两年后的名称托瑞斯常常封闭-有时抨击-它同门打开了。

9.His hands pngered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me.他的手在那柔软的面料上摩擦了一会儿,然后砰的关上抽屉,转过来对我说。

10.at least there was no slammed door , no blank refusal.至少没有把门关死,没有断然拒绝。