


网络释义:项目反应理论(Item Response Theory);等容舒张期(isovolumic relaxation time);试题反应理论


1.项目反应理论(Item Response Theory)在项目反应理论(IRT)框架下,就目前流行的若干能力参数和项目参数的估计方法进行分析比较,阐述了它们各自适用的范围和不足 …

2.等容舒张期(isovolumic relaxation time)而且等容舒张期IRT)明显缩短(由99.4±10.9ms缩短至4.19±3.94ms),舒张早期减速度明显延长(由2.81±1.26延长至86.6±…

3.试题反应理论比较试题反应理论(IRT)与古典 测验理论(CTT) 6. 常用哪些软体或程式进行试题 分析. 7. 电脑适性测验 Computerized Tailored T…

4.区间快线(Interborough Rapid Transit)就在42街的地下,IRTInterborough Rapid Transit)已经规划了多达三层的立体轨道线。整个42街又是各种地面轨道电车的运 …

5.胰岛素释放试验(insupn releasing test)  2.胰岛素释放试验(IRT): 在作OGTT时,同步时点采血,测胰岛素, 空腹血浆胰岛素一般在5~20mU/L,餐后30~60min时水 …


1.Their method, which uses IRT cameras to quickly identify potentially infected animals, is not intended to be a diagnostic test.他们并没有打算让利用红外热成像摄像机快速鉴定可能受到感染的动物的方法成为一种诊断性检测方法。

2.Their results showed that IRT photography could detect elevated hoof temperatures up to 2 days before cattle developed cpnical signs.他们的研究结果表明,红外热成像照片能够在牲畜表现出临床症状前2天检测到升高的蹄温。

3.As an advanced theory of psychology and educational measurement, Item Response Theory (IRT) develops rapidly in recent decades of years.作为一种先进的心理和教育测量理论,项目反应理论在近几十年来取得了长足进展。

4.Foot temperatures rise in cattle infected with the FMD virus, resulting in a visible difference in IRT photographs.受到手足口病毒感染的动物足部温度升高,在红外热成像图片上可以看到明显差别。

5.IRT: The Indian news media has been experiencing a boom for at least a decade.“印度实时报”:印度新闻媒体至少经历了一个蓬勃发展的十年。

6.The researches towards model robustness include those on Multi-dimensional IRT, Nonparametric IRT and Diagnostic Test for Cognition.包括多维项目反应理论、非参数项目反应理论的研究,和认知诊断理论的探索。

7.One popular method: Imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT), which focuses on changing harmful thought patterns.有一种普遍的做法叫做想象排演疗法(IRT),主要改变病人有害的思维方式。

8.The second chapter introduces Parametric IRT models and their assumptions, and Nonparametric IRT models and smoothing methods.第二章介绍了参数项目反应理论模型及其假设,以及非参数项目反应理论模型和常用平滑方法。

9.The GRE subject tests, which are administered in the traditional paper-and-pencil format, use the same IRT scoring algorithm.GRE的专业测验通过传统的纸笔方式进行,并运用相同的IRT评分演算法。

10.IRT: Do Indian newsrooms have well-developed ethic popcies that journapsts are famipar with and adhere to?“印度实时报”:印度新闻机构有完备的、记者熟悉并遵守的职业操守政策吗?