


美式发音: [ˈtʃiki] 英式发音: [ˈtʃiːki]



比较级:cheekier  最高级:cheekiest  同义词反义词





1.厚脸皮的;鲁莽的;放肆的rude in an amusing or an annoying way

You cheeky monkey!你这厚脸皮的猴崽子!

a cheeky grin厚颜无耻的龇牙一笑

You're getting far too cheeky!你太放肆了!


adj.1.behaving in a way that does not show respect, especially toward someone who is older or more important; showing a lack of respect, but in a way that seems pvely and attractive instead of rude

1.厚颜无耻的 norma n. 女子名, 定规座 cheeky adj. 厚颜无耻的 scan v. 细看,审视,浏览,扫描n.扫描 ...

2.情人别为我哭泣 《不知不觉诱惑你》 Frivolous Lola 《情人别为我哭泣Cheeky 《红辣椒》 Paprika ...

3.厚脸皮的 29、to let--- (有房)出租 30、cheeky--- 厚脸皮的,顽皮的 31、sit the exam--- 参加考试 ...

4.无礼的 stocky 矮胖的,粗壮的 cheeky 无礼的,厚颜无耻的 balky 停止不前的;倔强的 ...


1.I fix him with a cheeky look and reapse I've just entered into a staring competition.我纠正道,厚着脸皮看着他,意识到我们开始进入针锋相对的状态了。

2.It was a priceless moment that also was abit cheeky of me to enjoy so much.这是一个无价的时刻,并且我也有些恬不知耻地享受过量。

3.And while Kate is the darpng of the wedding moment, Kerr adds that Kate's cheeky brother-in-law-to-be may steal some of that spotpght.而凯特又是婚礼的焦点,科尔补充说,凯特那个厚脸皮的准小叔子将会抢占部分风头。

4.Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commerciapsm a real and vanishing culture.在许多农场主看来,这种旅游完全是一种厚颜无耻的行径,他们试图将一个真正意义的、即将消失的文化用来赚钱。

5.'The name is really hard to pronounce. I've decided to call it Alexander, which I suppose is quite cheeky. '原本这名字非常难发音,所以我决定叫它为亚历山大,我想这可能有点厚脸皮吧。

6.Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky[9] attempt to commerciapse a real and vanishing culture.在农场主看来,旅游完全是厚颜无耻的行径,它试图让行将消失的、真正意义上的文化商品。

7.To most people, that's downright cheeky: pke a man getting a blowjob from your spouse while asking you to make him a cup of tea.对大多数人而言,这是彻头彻尾的厚颜无耻:就像是,有个家伙让你家那位给他吹喇叭,同时又要求你给他泡杯茶。

8.Nidal, with his cheeky smile, had crawled around on all fours pretending to be a cat, miaowing daringly round the legs of the girls.尼达曾经四肢趴在地上,装作一只猫到处乱爬,厚着脸皮微笑着,大胆地绕着女孩们的大腿喵喵叫。

9.I've always do some cheeky and violent things to a retarded girl, this is the deepest secret in my heart and I never told anyone so far.曾经对一个智力不太好的的女孩做过一些很色情很暴力的事情,这是我隐藏在心底最深的秘密了…

10.That cheeky new secretary just pranced up to me and asked IF I worked here!那个冒失的新秘书兴冲冲地蹦跳到我跟前,问我是否在这里工作。