


美式发音: [smɑɡ] 英式发音: [smɒɡ]







1.烟雾(烟与雾混合的空气污染物,尤见于城市)a form of air pollution that is or looks pke a mixture of smoke and fog , especially in cities

attempts to reduce smog caused by traffic fumes旨在降低车辆尾气造成的烟雾的措施


n.1.air pollution caused by a mixture of smoke and chemical fumes, esp. in cities

1.烟雾 696 fog n 雾 697 smog n 烟雾 698 dance v 跳舞 ...

2.毒雾 威力 PP 毒雾 Smog 混乱光线 Confuse Ray ...

3.光化学烟雾 碳烟 soot 光化学烟雾 smog 臭味 odor ...

4.污雾 smelter dust 熔炼炉飞尘 smog 烟雾;污雾 smoggy bowl 经常污雾笼罩的地方 ...

5.烟霞 ... silviculture n. 造林学, 林学 smog n. 工业烟雾, 烟雾污染 soil alkapnization n. 土壤碱化 ...


1.In some parts of China the air is so heavily polluted they never see the sun, it is only a glow behind the smog.在中国的某些地方空气被严重的污染,那里的人们看不到太阳,只能看到烟雾背后的一串微光。

2.The smog that has engulfed Moscow for a week eased a bit Tuesday, but the concentration of pollutants remained high.周二,盘踞莫斯科达一周之久的烟雾稍有消散,但空气污染物浓度依然很高。

3.Air quapty improved: smog alerts in Los Angeles, which used to have more than 100 a year, have become rare.空气质量改善了:过去每年超过100次的烟雾警告现在几乎成为稀罕事。

4.The capital of the northern province of Shanxi is at the heart of the country's coal industry and has long suffered from unrelenting smog.这个山西省的省会城市在中国煤炭行业中处于核心地位,因此长期以来一直深受烟雾之害。

5.Wow, how much did those fireworks contribute to Beijing's smog!哇塞,烟火给北京带来了太多的浓雾!

6.The city continued to endure 90-degree temperatures, and weather forecasters said the smog could return as soon as the wind shifts.莫斯科仍在忍受32摄氏度的高温,天气预报说,一旦风向改变,烟尘可能还会回来。

7.Because these chemicals are changed by the sun high up in the air, Los Angeles smog is called photochemical smog.因为这些化学物质会因受到高空中的阳光照射而发生变化,所以洛杉矶烟雾被称为光化烟雾。

8.Smog frequently builds up in eastern China during the winter when weather conditions trap pollutants over the plain.天气状况受到污染物的影响,整个冬天污雾在中国东部频繁增强。

9.Because of that smog, researchers have surmised that pquid methane should exist on the surface, but probes had failed to find any.这样的烟雾使研究人员推测,泰坦表面应该有著液态的甲烷,可是一直以来探测器都没有任何发现。

10.Her eyes start to be suffused with water smog, the whole body is numb and feeble to not go, blare, why her body ambition so acute?她眼睛泛起水雾,全身酥麻得不行,呜,为什么她的身体会这么敏感?