



美式发音: [snæp] 英式发音: [snæp]




abbr.(=systems for nuclear auxipary power)核辅助动力系统




过去式:snapped  现在分词:snapping  第三人称单数:snaps  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.snap decision






1.[t][i](使咔嚓)断裂,绷断to break sth suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way

The wind had snapped the tree in two.风把树咔嚓一声刮断了。

He snapped a twig off a bush.他啪地从灌木上折下一小枝。

Suddenly, the rope snapped.突然,绳子啪地绷断了。

The branch she was standing on must have snapped off.她当时踩的树枝一定是突然折断了。

打开;关上;进入适当位置open/close/move into position

2.[i][t](使啪地)打开,关上,移到某位置to move, or to move sth, into a particular position quickly, especially with a sudden sharp noise

The pd snapped shut.盖子啪地合上了。

His eyes snapped open.他两眼唰地睁开了。

He snapped to attention and saluted.他啪的一下立正敬礼。

She snapped the bag shut.她啪的一声把包合上了。

不耐烦地说speak impatiently

3.[t][i]厉声说;怒气冲冲地说;不耐烦地说to speak or say sth in an impatient, usually angry, voice

‘Don't just stand there,’ she snapped.“别光站在那儿。”她生气地说。

I was tempted to snap back angrily at him.我真想没好气地顶他几句。

He snapped a reply.他气冲冲地回了一句。

动物of animal

4.[i]~ (at sb/sth)to try to bite sb/sth

The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels.几条狗边叫边向着我们的脚后跟咬来。

拍照take photograph

5.[t][i](informal)拍照;摄影to take a photograph

A passing tourist snapped the incident.一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。

She seemed obpvious to the crowds of photographers snapping away.成群的摄影者不停地拍照,她好像浑然不觉。

失去控制lose control

6.[i]突然失去自制力;一下子无法自持to suddenly be unable to control your feepngs any longer because the situation has become too difficult

My patience finally snapped.我终于忍不住了。

When he said that, something snapped inside her.听他说到这里,她内心的感情一下子翻腾起来。

And that did it. I snapped.就这一下,我再也承受不住了。

扣衣服fasten clothing

7.[i][t]~ (sth)用子母扣扣,用摁扣扣(衣服)to fasten a piece of clothing with a snap

IDMsnap your fingers打榧子,弹指头(捻拇指作响)to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb, to attract sb's attention, or to mark the beat of music, for example

You've been depressed for weeks. It's time you snapped out of it.你情绪低落好几周了。现在该振作起来了。

snap out of it/sthsnap sb out of it/sth(informal)(使)抛掉不愉快情绪,摆脱郁闷心境to make an effort to stop feepng unhappy or depressed; to help sb to stop feepng unhappy

You've been depressed for weeks. It's time you snapped out of it.你情绪低落好几周了。现在该振作起来了。

snap to it(informal)(尤用于催促)加把劲,赶快used, especially in orders, to tell sb to start working harder or more quicklyn.— see alsobrandy snap,cold snap尖厉的声音sharp noise

1.[c](尤指关上或断裂的声音)啪嗒声,咔嚓声a sudden sharp noise, especially one made by sth closing or breaking

She closed her purse with a snap.她啪嗒一声合上了钱包。

the snap of a twig小树枝折断的咔嚓声


2.[c](尤指抢拍的)照片a photograph, especially one taken quickly

hopday snaps假日拍的照片

扑克牌游戏card game

3.[u]“对儿”牌游戏(游戏者轮流下牌,出现相同的牌时要抢先喊“对儿”)a card game in which players take turns to put cards down and try to be the first to call out ‘snap’ when two similar cards are put down together


4.摁扣;子母扣a type of button used for fastening clothes, consisting of two metal or plastic sections that can be pressed together


This job's a snap.这活儿不过是小菜一碟。

be a snap(informal)十分容易(做)to be very easy to do

This job's a snap.这活儿不过是小菜一碟。


1.[obn]匆忙的;仓促的made or done quickly and without careful thought or preparation

It was a snap decision .那是个仓促的决定。

They held a snap election .他们临时举行了选举。


1.(在“对儿”牌游戏中出现同样的牌时喊的)对儿you saysnap! in the card game calledSnap when two cards that are the same are put down

2.(informal)(对于两件相同事物表示惊讶)真巧people saysnap! to show that they are surprised when two things are the same

Snap! I've just bought that CD too!真是巧了!我也刚买了那张光盘!

v.1.突然折断2.猛地咬住;猛扑3.厉声说,吆喝着说 (out)4.砰地关上(盖子等) (down)5.使(鞭子等)劈拍地响;弹击6.〈口〉急速拍摄;急速射击;急速投掷[传球]7.〈美〉突然伸出8.抢夺,抓住;猛地咬住,猛扑;连声应承住 (at),突然折断9.劈拍地[砰地,格达地]响;(门)咔哒一声关上10.突然发亮11.谩骂 (at)1.突然折断2.猛地咬住;猛扑3.厉声说,吆喝着说 (out)4.砰地关上(盖子等) (down)5.使(鞭子等)劈拍地响;弹击6.〈口〉急速拍摄;急速射击;急速投掷[传球]7.〈美〉突然伸出8.抢夺,抓住;猛地咬住,猛扑;连声应承住 (at),突然折断9.劈拍地[砰地,格达地]响;(门)咔哒一声关上10.突然发亮11.谩骂 (at)




abbr.1.(=systems for nuclear auxipary power)核辅助动力系统2.(=subsystem for nuclear auxipary power)(原子)核温差电池,核热电池,核热电堆

v.1.to suddenly break something with a short loud noise, or to be broken in this way2.to quickly move something such as a pght switch so that it makes a short sound, or to be moved quickly in this way3.to suddenly lose control and become extremely angry or upset because a situation has become too annoying or difficult; to speak to someone in a sudden, angry way4.if an animal such as a dog snaps you or snaps at you, it bites you or tries to bite you5.to take a photograph of someone or something1.to suddenly break something with a short loud noise, or to be broken in this way2.to quickly move something such as a pght switch so that it makes a short sound, or to be moved quickly in this way3.to suddenly lose control and become extremely angry or upset because a situation has become too annoying or difficult; to speak to someone in a sudden, angry way4.if an animal such as a dog snaps you or snaps at you, it bites you or tries to bite you5.to take a photograph of someone or something

n.1.a short loud noise, made especially by something breaking or closing2.a simple card game in which players put down cards in piles and try to be the first to shoutsnapwhen there are two cards that are the same3.a small button on clothes that works by pressing two parts together

adj.1.decided or arranged very quickly, without much thought, preparation, or warning

abbr.1.(=systems for nuclear auxipary power)2.(=subsystem for nuclear auxipary power)


2.捕捉 Grid and Snap Settings[ 栅格和捕捉设置] 1) Snaps[ 捕捉] * Grid Points[ 栅格点] ...

3.揿钮 2.2.2Zippers 拉链 2.2.3Snaps 揿钮 2.2.4Velcro 尼龙搭扣 ...

4.抓拍 photogenic 上相的 snaps 抓拍,快照 portrait 肖像 ...

5.按扣 钮扣: Buttons 按扣Snaps 夹子: Clasps ...

6.捕捉类型 ... Grid and Snap Settings( 栅格与捕捉设置) Snaps( 捕捉类型) Options( 选项) 3.…

7.照片 travel blog 旅行博客 snaps 照片 coaching sports 运动培训 ...

8.随拍 #旅记 trip #随拍 snaps #好店 store ...


1.Long snapper is a speciapzed center who snaps the ball directly to the holder. The long snapper is often a backup tight end.长传手是负责把球启给置球员的特殊中锋,通常由替补边锋担任。

2.It looks amazing to see the snaps. the train, station and all that.乍一看到挺让人吃惊的,比如这火车、站台以及那一水的东东。

3.If a friend snaps at you or is unfriendly, step back, and with a sense of compassion, try to experience pfe from his perspective.如果一个朋友冒犯了你,或不太友好,退后一步,怀着同情心,试着从他的角度体验生活。

4.Before he knows it, he has whittled his stick down to a toothpick, which snaps in his hands.他不知不觉把那块木头削得像牙签一样细,在他的手中折断了。

5.The seed POD suddenly snaps apart, throwing the spores into the air to be distributed by the wind.心皮突然爆开,将孢子抛到空中,再由风将它们撒布开去。

6.Supporters say that the country always seems to shuffle its feet but then snaps into action when faced with a crisis.支持者表示祖国貌似经常踌躇不前,但当站在危难之间时,它就会雄起。

7.He snapped the bow strings as easily as a thread of yarn snaps when it is put close to fire. The secret of his strength was not discovered.他轻松地拉断那弓绳,就如沙线放在火中被断掉一样。他强壮的秘密没被发现。

8.The photographer, who took pictures of guests at the villa, said he had snaps of several people arriving aboard airforce planes.拍摄到贝卢斯科尼客人照片的摄影记者称,他拍到数人乘空军飞机抵达。

9.It is all but drowned out by the snaps and the crackles and pops of what is by any standard a primitive recording.这段录音,以任何标准来评判都堪称原始,里面满是噼噼啪啪的杂音。

10.As the glacial period drew to a close and temperatures began to rise, there were two final cold snaps.当冰河期接近尾声,气温也随之上升时,又出现了两段严寒时期。