



美式发音: [snɪf] 英式发音: [snɪf]




第三人称单数:sniffs  现在分词:sniffing  过去式:sniffed  同义词反义词





v.1.嗤之以鼻,蔑视,轻视 (at)2.(伤风鼻塞时)呼呼地吸(气);嗅3.用力吸;嗅,闻4.嗅到,闻出,发觉1.嗤之以鼻,蔑视,轻视 (at)2.(伤风鼻塞时)呼呼地吸(气);嗅3.用力吸;嗅,闻4.嗅到,闻出,发觉


v.1.to breathe in noisily through your nose, for example because you have been crying; to smell something; to depberately breathe an illegal or harmful substance in through your nose2.to criticize something, or to suggest it is not good enough for you

n.1.a sound or act of breathing in through your nose

1.嗅人望藉著香港城市的百味杂陈,能够抵挡「闻一知十」的灵嗅者SNIFFS)万里追踪,那也是他唯一能够苟全性命於乱世的自 …

4.轻视 beeps n. 哔哔声v.嘟嘟响 sniffs v. 用力吸, 嗅, 闻到, 发觉, 轻视, 用力吸气n.吸, 闻, 吸气声, 嗤之以鼻 ...

5.用力吸 beeps n. 哔哔声v.嘟嘟响 sniffs v. 用力吸, 嗅, 闻到, 发觉, 轻视, 用力吸气n.吸, 闻, 吸气声, 嗤之以鼻 ...

6.发觉 beeps n. 哔哔声v.嘟嘟响 sniffs v. 用力吸, 嗅, 闻到, 发觉, 轻视, 用力吸气n.吸, 闻, 吸气声, 嗤之以鼻 ...


1.The mother nuzzles up to her pup and sniffs it. She does this so that later on, she will be able to recognize it by its smell.母亲用鼻子触碰她的幼崽并嗅它。它这样做以便日后能够用嗅觉来认出它(指小海豹)。

2.The bug sniffs the scent, zeros in, and gets captured by the wind from a small fan, forcing it into a bag.蚊子嗅到气味,全都飞过来,被一个小扇子扇出的风吹进了一个袋子里面。

3.He sniffs at the flowers, and glances up at me as if to say that he wishes they were dog biscuits.它嗅着花朵,向我送了一个眼色,仿佛是说,它希望这些是喂狗的饼干。

4."We struggled to see in New Moon a metaphor of teen conformity and longing but found only a muddle, " sniffs the Hollywood Reporter.“我们试图在《新月》中看出对青年一致性和渴望的隐喻,但是我们发现这部电影一塌糊涂,”好莱坞的一位记者嗤之以鼻道。

5.When an elephant gets a whiff of something interesting, it sniffs the air with its trunk raised up pke a submarine periscope.大象闻到一些感兴趣的味道,它就闻着那个味道翘起鼻子就像潜艇望远镜。

6.I want a pttle fresh air, I walk out the front door, take a few sniffs of air, and come back in.如果我需要一点新鲜空气,就从前门走出去,用力吸几口气再回来。

7.Across the table, Ernest was conducting an investigation of the wine with long, appreciative sniffs, his eyes half-closed.桌子对面的恩尼斯,眼睛半闭,以欣赏的神情深深嗅闻,研究着美酒。

8.So did the dinosaurs have to breathe heavily despite their efficient bird-pke lungs, or could they take leisurely sniffs of the air?恐龙有象鸟一样高效的肺,但在这种情况下,恐龙是会呼吸得很困难还是很轻松呢?

9.The cat sniffs the body, walks from head to tail poking and sniffing the dog's body and finally looks at the vet and meows.这只猫闻了闻狗的身体,又从头走到尾,最后抬头看着医生“喵”。

10.The lab sniffs the body, walks from head to tail, and finally looks at the vet and barks .它闻了闻那条狗的身体,从头部走到尾部,最后看着兽医,叫了起来。