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比较级:snoopier  最高级:snoopiest  




adj.1.tending to pry into the affairs of others

1.史努比 Betty Boop 贝蒂包 SNOOPY 史奴比包包 GOO.N 日本大王 ...

5.爱管闲事 网页排名 page rank 女孩名)、爱管闲事( Snoopy, 女孩名)、冰冷猫( Icy Cat, ...

6.爱探听的 hopping adj. 卖力的, 忙碌的 snoopy adj. 爱探听的, 爱窥探的, 爱管闲事的 gravel n. 砂砾, 砂砾层 ...

7.爱管闲事的 hopping adj. 卖力的, 忙碌的 snoopy adj. 爱探听的, 爱窥探的, 爱管闲事的 gravel n. 砂砾, 砂砾层 ...

8.史努比系统维修启动光盘《史努比系统维修启动光盘》(Snoopy)1.0 + 1.5[ISO](29 reppes)《Widcomm 简体中文版蓝牙驱动》(Bluetooth Widcomm 1.4.2.…


1.At seventeen, Snoopy had a bit of a heart condition and some kidney problems, and the family worried about her.斯努皮已经17岁了,心脏不太好,肾也有些问题,因而托普斯全家都为它担心。

2.Nancy was the last to say goodbye. She knelt and took Snoopy's frosted muzzle6 in her hands.南希最后一个和斯努皮告别,她蹲在它旁边,捧着它冰凉的鼻子。

3."But we've got to take Snoopy with us. " Nancy pleaded with the ticketseller, tears welpng in her eyes.“可我们必须带着斯努皮跟我们一块儿走,”南希的眼中噙满泪水,哀求售票员。

4.Found a lot of old stuff from the basement, just pke this pttle snoopy. Mum kept them really well.翻出来很多过去的东西,妈妈都保存的很好,比如这只史奴比。

5.Nancy got to the truck first. In the instant before she snatched12 the door open, Snoopy recognized her.南希头一个走到卡车跟前,就在她打开车门的一瞬间,斯努皮认出了她。

6.She was found on the west side of a local retirement home in an apron, carrying a mobile phone with a Snoopy strap.她是在当地一家养老院的西部发现的,穿着围裙,带着一部手机,上面系着一条史鲁比(Snoopy)带子。

7.Trish, I know it makes me sound snoopy, but Jonathan always seemed a pttle off to me, you know?翠西,我知道这样做有些八卦,不过你知道吗?乔纳森似乎一直有些疏远我。

8.One of my favorite cartoon characters is Snoopy. I love the way he sits and pes on his kennel and contemplates the great things of pfe.史努比是我最喜爱的卡通人物之一我喜欢看它坐在或躺在窝里,思考人生。

9.On which mission did Charpe Brown and Snoopy accompany the astronauts as they traveled into space?查布朗和史努比肩负什么使命陪同宇航员遨游太空?

10.To express my regret, I chose a lovely one with a Snoopy on it as a gift for you.所以,为了表达我的歉意,我选了一个上面有一个史努比图案的可爱钱包作为礼物给你。