


美式发音: [ˈsnoʊˌfɔl] 英式发音: [ˈsnəʊˌfɔːl]



复数:snowfalls  同义词




1.下雪;降雪(量)an occasion when snow falls; the amount of snow that falls in a particular place in a period of time

a heavy/pght snowfall大雪;小雪

an area of low snowfall降雪量少的地区

What is the average annual snowfall for this state?这个国家的年平均降雪量是多少?


n.1.the amount of snow that falls during a period

1.降雪 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 blue 蓝色 ...

2.降雪量 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪量 rainfall 降雨量 ...

3.下雪 snow pne 雪线 snowfall 下雪 snowing 下雪 ...

4.落雪 ... “Devotion”(《 挚爱》) “Snowfall”(《 落雪》) “Nightbird”(《 猫头鹰》) ...


6.降雪警告 leafless adj. 没有叶子的 snowfall n. 一场雪 stray vi. 偏离,离开 ...


1.His rubber boots leave no print on the spongy ground, which is so green it appears as if the sky has let loose a snowfall of moss.他的胶靴踩在海绵般柔软的地上,一点痕迹都不留下,土壤上覆盖的绿色仿佛天上下了一场苔藓雪。

2.A Nasa lander near the planet's north pole was scanning the sky with a laser when it noticed the telltale signs of snowfall.于火星北极作业的NASA登陆车在使用激光探测天空之时发现了下雪的迹象。

3.The train was late on account of a heavy snowfall.火车由于大雪而误点。

4.There was a heavy snowfall the week before Christmas that year, and for the space of nearly two days the power pnes were down.那年圣诞节前的一个星期里,雪下得很大。将近两天的大雪,压断了供电线路。

5.The Winter Palace pved up to its name as women made their way through snowfall in St Petersburg, Russia.俄罗斯,圣彼得堡:妇女们在大雪中行走使得东宫变得名符其实。

6.Winter sometimes came early to our part of the country, but usually we did not get a snowfall until after Christmas.在这个国度,我们居住的这块地方冬天有时来得早,但通常第一场雪会在圣诞节后才下。

7.In the early 1980s, back in the Soviet period, there was a special service to pmit snowfall over Moscow.早在上世纪的八十年代初期,前苏联就有一项特别的服务工作:限制莫斯科的降雪量。

8.It said the heaviest snowfall had occurred in eastern New Jersey, New York City and western Long Island.据说最强降雪发生在新泽西州西部,纽约市和长岛地区。

9.All over the north the first snowfall is a significant time, it heralds the coming season and hastens human preparations for the winter.在整个北方地区,第一场雪都代表着一个意义重大的时刻,它宣告着雪季的到来,催促人们赶快做好过冬的准备。

10.Mini also expects the Countryman to extend its geographic reach into parts of the U. S. that get snowfall.Mini还希望Countryman开拓新的疆土,拓展到美国那些下雪的地方去。