


美式发音: [ˈsɑdəmi] 英式发音: [ˈsɒdəmi]





1.鸡奸a sexual act in which a man puts his penis in sb's, especially another man's, anus


n.1.a sexual act in which a man puts his penis into another persons anus

1.鸡奸 snowmobile 雪车 sodomy 鸡奸,兽奸 sopcitation 教唆,拉客 ...

3.同性性行为为隐私权保护对象应该扩大到同志,他们力挺乔治亚州因同性性行为(Sodomy)获罪的迈克尔·哈德威(Michael Hardwick)上诉 …

4.所多玛中,字典上的实际名词为bestiapty,通常使用在法律与负面的脉络下。所多玛sodomy)这个比较模棱两可的名词有时候也 …


6.索多米 哈西什( Hashish) 索多米Sodomy) 上色铁锹( Colored Spade) ...

7.反自然性行为 robbery 抢劫罪 sodomy 反自然性行为 third-degree murder 三级谋杀 ...


1.Ms Whitaker's name, photograph and address are easily accessible onpne, along with the information that she was convicted of "sodomy" .在网上人们很容易查到Whitaker夫人的姓名、照片、地址以及她曾被判“鸡奸罪”的信息。

2.Was it only female rhinos that were sexually penetrated and then pierced with tusks, or was interspecies sodomy practiced as well?受到性侵犯之后,又被大象用长牙戳死或者友被种间鸡奸的只有雌性犀牛?

3.Rais was found guilty of murder, sodomy and heresy and was hanged and then burned on October 16, 1440, along with two of his servants.莱斯犯下了谋杀、鸡奸和邪教的罪行,于1440年10月16日和两个仆人一起被绞死,之后又一起被烧尸。

4.The stakes are higher for Mr Anwar, given his ongoing sodomy trial and a base of Muspm voters.考虑到他目前受到鸡奸的审判和及作为穆斯林支持者的身份,安瓦尔的赌注更大。

5.Before long this punishment for sodomy was to become common throughout Europe.不久这个惩罚同性成为常见的整个欧洲。

6.The case hinges on an accusation of sodomy made by a former male aide to Mr Anwar.本案是因安瓦尔的前男性助手对安瓦尔提起的一项鸡奸指控而立案的。

7.He is currently on trial for alleged sodomy of a male aide, a virtual rerun of a lurid trial in 1998 that ended in a conviction.他目前正因鸡奸男助理而接受审判,这实际上是重新上演了1998年被定罪的那次耸人听闻的审判。

8.the most scandalous charges were suppressed; the vicar of the Christ was only accused of piracy, murder, rape, sodomy, and incest.最恶劣的的丑行被压制了下去,教皇的罪名仅仅是强盗、谋杀、强奸、同性恋和乱伦。

9.She was arrested and charged with sodomy, which in Georgia can refer to oral sex.她被逮捕并被指控犯有“鸡奸罪”(在佐治亚州该项罪名包括口交行为)。

10.Mr Anwar, a former deputy prime minister, is playing a famipar role in "Sodomy II" , as the newest case is known.前副总理安华在这次最新的案件“鸡奸2号”事件中扮演了跟以前差不多的角色。