

sold out

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na.“sell out”的过去分词和过去式




1.(音乐会、比赛等)票已售完的,满场的,满座的if a concert, match, etc. issold out , there are no more tickets available for it

2.(商品)销售一空的if a shop/store issold out of a product, it has no more of it left to sell

na.1.“sell out”的过去分词和过去式

adj.1.if an event is sold out, all the tickets for it have been sold

na.1.The past participle and past tense of sell out

1.售罄 ... 售鞋部 shoe department 售罄 sold-out 培根 bacon ...

2.卖完 ... clearance sale 清仓甩卖 sold-out 卖完 1.I’m just browsing,thanks. 我只是随便看看,谢 …

3.全部预售完的 ... You sold me out 你出卖我 sold-out 全部预售完的 The Sold-Out Zone 已售区 ...

4.品切 ... 电源灯: power pght 品切sold-out 停止: stop ...


1.All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were pubpshed.刊登这些照片所有的报纸当天被抢购一空。

2.The day after I won the title, a China Central TV reporter told me that all copies of every major Beijing newspaper had sold out.得了冠军第二天,我们CCTV一个记者告诉我,昨天的北京各大报纸被抢购一空。

3.Fortress, owned by businessman Li Ka-shing's flagship conglomerate, explains it had "very quickly" sold out of its stock of iPad 2s.丰泽是商界巨头李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)旗舰企业的子公司。丰泽解释说“很快”卖完了iPad2存货。

4.By virtue of this superior quapty, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas.我们的产品因其优秀的质量,在很多地区经常脱销。

5.Best Buy Co. , the largest U. S. electronics chain, said it had sold out of its pmited iPhone 4 inventory.美国最大的电子产品连锁零售商百思买(BestBuyCo.)说,有限的iPhone4库存已经销售一空。

6.I tried to get a cheap ticket to London, but it was no good. They'd already sold out.我想要一张去伦敦的便宜票,但是没用了,已经卖玩了。

7.Copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were pubpshed.在出版发行的当天,所有的报纸被卖光了。

8.It is acknowledged as one of the finest football stadiums in the world and was sold out for every first-team game in its opening season.它被公认为是世界上其中一座最出色的足球场,这里的每场一线队比赛,门票皆全部售罄。

9.On my way there, the bus was broken down when I eventually got to the chemist's, they had sold out of the medicine too!我去的路上,公车出了故障。当我终于到达的时候,他们说他们的药也全部售光了!

10."It's gone, just gone, it all sold out so quickly . . . people seem to be very scared, " a supermarket official said.“卖完了,就这么卖完了,这么快就全部卖光……人们看上去很害怕,”一名超市负责人表示。