




1.忠实粉丝 intrigue n.密谋 loyal fans 忠实粉丝 is set in 故事发生在(地方) ...

2.最忠实的粉丝 初雪 2008 First Snow 最忠实的粉丝 Loyal Fans 新年的第一天 New Year Day ...

3.干事干事(loyal fans)享受所有会员权利,同时执行俱乐部工作任务,参与俱乐部管理。招新后干事按开发与非开发归入Creativity Sta…


1.We just don't want any of our loyal fans to miss out on an episode of Survivor. Especially this season with so much great stuff happening.我们只是不想让我们的重视粉丝错过任何一集节目,尤其是这个有如此多重量级事件发生的一季。

2.Mraz was not an overnight sensation, but he now has legions of loyal fans that were built over years of touring and working hard.玛耶兹不是一夜成名的明星,如今却拥有了大批的忠实歌迷,这都是他多年巡回演出和辛劳工作的成果。

3.In the case of manga and anime, loyal fans could easily get annoyed by the "unfaithful" changes in pve action versions.而在(日本)动漫的问题上,忠实粉丝还可能轻易就会被真人版本中“不忠于原著”的改动激怒。

4.But by then, a film may feel superfluous to Rand's most loyal fans; events unfolding around them will have been dramatisation enough.但是到那时,电影可能会令大多数Rand此书的忠实粉丝感到多余;在他们周围真真切切发生的事已经足够了。

5.t have to! But fortunately, beneath all my skepticism, I remember my generous, all-encompassing, loyal fans.但幸运地,在我所有的怀疑之下,我还记得那麽多围绕著我的忠实歌迷。

6.I am one of the tens of thousands of your Chinese loyal fans.我是你数以万计的中国忠实球迷之一。

7.He continues to be encouraged by loyal fans who frequently tell him that his music has changed their pves.他那些忠实的乐迷们经常告诉他:“你的音乐改变了我们的生活”,这些都不断鼓舞他。

8.Meanwhile, legions of loyal fans have launched a contest for the best birthday portrait of the trouserless bird in the sailor jacket.与此同时,唐老鸭的粉丝团举办了一场竞赛,为这位只穿着水手外套不穿裤子的鸭先生征集最佳生日肖像。

9.Loyal fans can't wait to watch the year's biggest variety show. The production team is ensuring it will be better than ever before.忠实的粉丝已经迫不及待想要看今年最大的综艺节目。制作团队已经向观众作出保证,本届晚会一定比以往的要更好。

10.But fortunately, beneath all my skepticism, I remember my generous, all-encompassing, loyal fans.但幸运地,在我全部的怀疑之下,我还记得哪麽多围绕著我的忠实歌迷。