



美式发音: [plæk] 英式发音: [plɑːk]



复数:plaques  同义词




n.1.a flat piece of metal or stone that is hung on a wall or building for decoration, or to give information2.a substance that forms on your teeth and in which bacteria can grow and damage your teeth

1.斑块立克次氏体在昆虫培养细胞内所表现的各种不同反应:如斑点plaques)大小及形状,细胞病变(cytopathogenic effect)的 …

5.形成斑块「阿兹海默症」侵袭人的脑部神经,形成斑块plaques)和纠结(tangles)现象,阻断了神经彼此沟通和传递讯息的功能,造 …

6.老年斑块也有一团一团的堆积,叫做老年斑块Plaques),老年斑块具有毒性,会毒杀神经细胞。神经细胞本来是一条一条的排列都很 …


1.The researchers identified factors in the fatty acid pathway that seem to be capable of preventing plaques from blocking arteries in mice.研究人员鉴定了脂肪酸通路的细胞因子,似乎能够预防小鼠动脉中斑块的堆积。

2.Amyloid beta itself might be injuring nerve cells or the plaques, made of accumulations of amyloid beta, could be the culprits.淀粉样β蛋白本身可能损伤神经细胞或者有它聚集形成的老年斑才是罪魁祸首。

3.Senile plaques: All referred to as "senile pigment spot, " also known as medical seborrheic .老年斑:全称为“老年性色素斑”,医学上又被称为脂溢性角化。

4.Calcium tends to build up in atherosclerotic plaques.钙易于在动脉粥样斑块中堆积。

5.He was a doctor, and he knew that plaques of fat had clogged the spaghetti size arteries that carried oxygen to his heart.他是位医生,知道是脂肪结块堵塞了如意大利面条般细的动脉,动脉将氧气输送至心脏。

6.The research, carried out on mice, suggested caffeine hampered the production of the protein plaques which are the hallmark of the disease.研究人员用老鼠做实验,发现咖啡因可以阻止蛋白斑块积聚,而这种蛋白是早老性痴呆症发病的典型特征。

7.Treatments are being developed to present the accumulation of cerebral plaques and tangles or to desegregate them once they are present.目前正在开发的治疗手段旨在阻止大脑中斑块和缠结的蓄积,或者当它们产生时能够被清除。

8.One of the most noticeable features about the brains of Alzheimer's patients is the build-up of "plaques" of a toxic protein called amyloid.老年痴呆症患者脑部一个最为明显的特征是,一种所谓淀粉状朊的毒性蛋白质的积累“块”。

9.But the protein becomes a killer of neurons when it transforms itself into a spiral-pke form that aggregates into plaques in the brain.当它转变为螺旋状的时候就会在大脑内集聚成斑而成为神经元的杀手。

10.This protein causes plaques to build up in the brain, which some think cause Alzheimer's disease by kilpng cells.这种蛋白会使大脑噬斑增多。有人认为,老年痴呆是通过噬斑杀死正常细胞而患病。